Resources for Students

How to Create a Home Routine

  • Get yourself up and organized as if it were a school day. It's easy to get relaxed and comfortable when there is no school bell to signal the start of your day. Try to discipline yourself to wake up when you typically would for school.

  • Take care of yourself so you feel good in the inside. When we aren't allowed to leave the house, it's tempting to ignore personal-hygiene routines. However, this is a time when self-care is really important so we don't fall into a slump. Keep brushing your teeth, shower once a day, and change into some clothes that make you feel good about yourself.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast. Before you get going on schoolwork, feed your body and brain!

  • Create a balanced schedule that you can stick to. This is your opportunity to plan a school day that works best for you. Are you someone who prefers to sit for a long time and get ALL of your work done so you are free later? Or do you prefer short spurts of work with body and mind breaks in between? Decide what works and make a plan!

  • Include physical activity in your day. There are several videos under Mindfulness and Movement Activities to help you with a plan. Or take a walk, get fresh something to break up your day.

  • Limit technology. During this pandemic, we will all be relying on technology as part of our days. Make sure you take breaks from computer and phone time. Especially before bed, it's important to be technology free for at least 30 minutes! Put your devices away at night.

  • Family time is important. Social distancing is a perfect opportunity to connect with your family. What do you enjoy doing together?

  • Balance your school subjects. Try to do a bit of schoolwork in each subject area daily. Sometimes it's best to get the things you dread the most, over with first!

  • Do something you look forward to every day. Make sure you think of at least ONE thing you are excited to do each day. We all need to enjoy something we are passionate about. If you don't have an interest or hobby, this is a great time to figure out what that could be for you.