Adam Robertson Elementary School

Counselling Support

Hello A.R.E.S. Families,

During our school closure, I will regularly update this website with answers and supports to common questions and concerns shared by many of you. Please e-mail me if there are other topics you would like to see included. I recognize that every family is experiencing their own set of challenges, so please reach out and I will do my best to help you access the appropriate supports. Ms. Poznikoff

To contact Ms. Poznikoff please email:

Don't let the pressure of "home-schooling" overwhelm you or your children. Enjoy this time to connect with your kids and fit in what you can when it works best for your family. This uncertain time is already stressful for many people. "School" should NOT add to these unsettled feelings. Take care of each other and reach out when you need to. Ms. P.