Teacher On-Call Training


This mini course will provide you some basic knowledge and skills that are required for making the best of your time in the classroom.

You will work through each module in sequence and then complete the quiz. Your quiz results will automatically be submitted to the SBO as confirmation of your training completion.

Getting Started

Knowing what to expect and being prepared for your day, everyday.

Emergency Procedures

In case of emergencies, there are plan in place. You need to be familiar with the response plans for each school you intend to work.

Classroom Management

Tips and tricks to making the best of your day with the class and what to do if it goes sideways.

End of the day

Before you leave at the end of the day, there are a few tasks to complete.

Emergency planning

Sometimes the lesson plan doesn't go as planned, or ends early...now what?

training quiz

Completing this quiz will indicate that you have completed the TOC training and are ready to get into the classroom.