Fitness Challenges

Complete a Cosmic Yoga Routine

20 Points

Run up and down a hill or set of stairs 5 times

20 points

Click word PLANK to learn how to plank properly. Then use video to get you started.

How long can you Plank?

1 point per second

Go for a Bike Ride.

2 points for every minute of riding.

Go for a hike with a family member

50 points

How many push-ups can you do in a day?

2 points per pushup

How many jump squats can you do in a day?

2 points per jump squat

Pick a kidzbop song and dance.

20 points per song

Take at least a 30 minute walk

40 points

Complete this 4 minute body break

20 points

Complete this stretching routine

40 points

Complete the jumping jack song.

20 points

Get some sleep! Click below to read recommended hours of sleep.

Hours of sleep.

10 points per hour

Complete this fun fitness card activity.

20 points

Find a Challenger for extra 20 points

Play catch or pass outside with a family member

20 points

Drink a cup of water. Click to learn more water facts.

10 points per cup

Help with chores around the house.

100 points

Complete as many burpees as you can in a day. Make sure you start at beginner and move to full burpee.

2 points per burpee

Run like Rocky! Choose an area to run at full speed around: house, yard, neighborhood, field

40 points for every 5 minutes

Complete this kids workout from BodyCoach

40 points