Personal Project Report

Personal Project Report 2023.mp4

What is the Personal Project Report?

The Project Report provides the evidence of students's learning from which their final level of achievement will be derived. A particular structure must be followed in the Project Report.

When is the Report due and how do I hand it in?

The report must be handed in no later than February 17, 2022. (Think Feb. 10th as your due date.)

Click HERE To find out how to hand in the Report.

What is the goal of the Report?

To inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible

The Project Report demonstrates a student’s commitment to their personal project by discussing the planning, learning, application of skills and reflecting that took place throughout the Personal Project.

Report Organization

Criterion A: Planning

Criterion B: Applying Skills

Criterion C: Reflecting

Appendices (if applicable)


Report Format Options

Students have choice of format for their Project Report: Document and Recording

Font Size: 11 or 12

Font Type: Calibri or Arial

Page Margin: 1" or 2.54 cm


  • aims to inform and explain the process of the personal project

  • concise and succinct

  • usually consists of sections with subheadings and is well structured

  • must ensure the report meets the assessment criteria by addressing all three criteria and each of their strands

  • minimum 4 pages in length

  • accepted file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf (non-editable), .rtf


  • includes formats such as a video or sound recording (ie. podcast)

  • must ensure that the electronic report meets the assessment criteria and each of their strands

  • effectively demonstrates student engagement with the personal project

  • accepted file types: .mp3, .mp4, .m4a, .mov (codec H264), .m4v

*The report is not to replace the product/outcome of the personal project. For example, if the outcome of the personal project is in written form, such as an essay, short story, or script for a play, this is considered separate from the project report.

The Report Body

The body of report should be completed in separate sections according to the project criteria.

Each Criterion and its strands must be addressed.

Criterion A: Planning

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal

ii. state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product

iii. present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.

Criterion A Definitions

Learning goal: What students want to learn as a result of doing the personal project.

Product: What students will create for their personal project.

Presents: Offer for display, observation, examination or consideration.

State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Outline: Give a brief account or summary.

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Criterion B: Applying Skills

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal

ii. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product.

Criterion B Definitions

Learning goal: What students want to learn as a result of doing the personal project.

Product: What students will create for their personal project.

ATL skill(s): One or more of: communication, collaboration, organization, affective, reflection, information literacy, media literacy, critical thinking, creative thinking, transfer.

State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Outline: Give a brief account or summary.

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Criterion C: Reflecting

In the personal project, students should be able to:

i. explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning

ii. evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

Criterion C Defintions

Product: What students will create for their personal project.

State: Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.

Outline: Give a brief account or summary.

Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process.

Explain: Give a detailed account including reasons or causes.

Evaluate: Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.



A minimum of three reputable sources must be included in the bibliography.

Evidence of the Product or Outcome

Evidence of the final product or outcome must be included.

Evidence may have:

  • a maximum of 5 still images (ie. for a product that was created or built)

  • a maximum of 30 seconds of audio/video (ie. for a product that was oral or visual in nature)

  • a maximum of 1 page of text (ie. for a product that was in written form)

Report Examples can be found HERE.