Gulf Islands Teachers' Association Presents: 

 District Professional Development day

February 10, 2023

Made possible by the Gulf Islands Teachers' Association local 64, Canadian Union of Public Employees local 788, and the Principals and Vice-Principals of SD64

Location: Gulf Islands Secondary SChool

Shape of the Day

8:30am Morning snacks, tea & coffee

9:00am Welcome

9:15-10:45am Workshop Session 1

10:45 – 11:00am Break

11:00 - 12:30pm Workshop Session 2

12:30-1:30pm Lunch @ GISS cafeteria

1:30 – 3:00pm Keynote: Dr. Juliana Negreiros 

3:00pm Thank you, wrap up, prizes!

Please let us know how the day went for you and what you would like to see in future District PD Days!

WIFI at GISS: Network is SD64 Guest and password is gulfislands

8:30am Morning refreshments: multipurpose room

9:00am Welcome

10:45am Break 

Lunch 12:30-1:30pm @ GISS cafeteria

1:30-3:00pm Keynote: Dr. Juliana Negreiros
Multipurpose Room

Anxiety in Schools

In this keynote, educators will review key components related to anxiety, including facts, strategies, and its presentation in the classroom. Attendees will also engage in self-reflective practices and enhance their knowledge about different paths they can take to help students manage their worries and achieve their school potential.

3:00 pm Thank you, wrap up, prizes!

Please let us know how the day went for you and what you would like to see in future District PD Days!

Brought to you by: 

Gulf Islands Teachers Association (GITA) District ProD; especially our hard working District ProD Day Planning Committee: Cheryl Boland, Elaine Jacobson, Megan Cameron, Heidi Soares and Jess Willows.

And sponsored by our CUPE PD committee and the Principals and Vice-Principals of SD64!