Parent teacher interviews

This page summarizes the key ideas that were discussed at the interviews.

General comments Success

1. All kids want to be successful.

2. Success leads to increased motivation, determination and satisfaction which leads to more success.

3. Once kids taste success, they tend to continue to be successful.

4. The reverse is also true. Lack of success leads to decreased motivation, determination, confidence....

5. Success has more to do with work ethic than natural ability.

General comments about marks.

1. All HW can be resubmitted until it is perfect.

2. All quizzes can be redone until the test is given. All INC quizzes will be replaced with test score.

3. All tests can re redone.

4. Retest scores will replace all prior missing assignments.

5. If a retest is needed, all corrections MUST be completed on the first test. Students also need to complete another practice test.

Why is my test mark so low?

1. Was ALL hw completed prior to the test. Completely MOST of the HW test leads to marks less than 70%

2. Was the review or practice test completed and corrected. Completing MOST of the corrections leads to test marks below 70%

Possible Habits of students with less than 70%

1. They do not check their answers every time. (Many grade 9 never check their answers)

2. They do not do all their corrections in HW, Quizzes or Practice tests. ( Many grade 9s do not know that writing down the correct answer is not doing their corrections.)

3. They do not keep track of the question they do not know how to do.

Clarifications of spreadsheets abbreviations

1. NHI= not handed in.

2. INC= means complete the item or redo test that is less than 60%

3. Any numerical value on quizzes or HW means that the item was not completed and should have been. I very likely created a score based on their test result so that they had a mark. Their test scores will improve when the complete all practice materials priro to the test.

Did you know?

1. Detailed solutions are avaiable for math 9 & math 11 and select chapters for Math 12 and Calc

2. Course Timelines are avaiable so you know what we cover every day in math 9 and 11

3. We offer free tutoring everyday at lunch and in TAP. My Room.

Thoughts on Tutors

1. Are a waste of money if your child does not do their HW. Some students think that by going to a tutor that this replaces their need to practice.

2. Tutors are well used when they help students with STUDY HABBITS as well as math concepts.

3. The use of Tutors can sometimes reduce a students confidence in themselves becuase they belief they can not do it on their own.

4. Tutors are best used for students who are doing every right but are not getting the results they want. Tutors are also helpful if a student has missed a significant number of classes and needs extended one on one attention.