Flathead High School Library

The mission of Flathead High School Library is to ensure that students and staff are effective inquirers of information.  Our library is full of rich information that will empower our users and help them become knowledgeable, be critical thinkers, enthusiastic and open minded readers, skillful researchers, worldwide communicators and ethical users of information. (ALA)(IB)

Library Hours

7:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Monday - Thursday

7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday

Bibliography or Work Cited Help

Overdrive / Sora Ebooks and Audio books

Download Sora app and log in with your google account to use.

March Book Madness

March Book Madness

Read the titles from this bracket
They are located on our 2nd floor display

Go to https://marchbookmadness.weebly.com/

Online Voting Starts March 3rd

Fill out the form to vote for your favorite book against the other books in our challenge.

Each week you will need to vote for your favorite books.

Lets see who wins our March Madness Book Challenge

List of Challenges

1.Rez Ball  vs Four Eids and a Funeral

2. Blood Years vs Some Kind of Hate

3. Kindling vs She is Haunting

4. Sky’s End vs Into the Sunken City

5. Thieves Gambit vs Their Vicious Games

6. Death at Morning House vs Just Do This One Thing for Me

7. Chaos Theory vs We Are All So Good at Smiling

8. This Day Changes Everything vs The Weight of Blood 

New Books

Ready for check out on the 2nd floor of the library

New Books
Untitled presentation

What to Read Next....check out these titles!

Device Checkout - Fillable.pdf

chrome book form

If a student needs a chrome book for an extended period of time. Parent must sign this form.

Find online books to read or listen to.

Tutorials on Google Classroom and Online sources.

Tutorials for Teachers