Extended Essay
Tips for Researching
Subject Guide - Mr. Stephen's Extended Essay information
Five Steps to Developing a Research Question
Extended Essay Handout - Ms. Phillips
Use quotes to search all words - "puppy dog sweater"
Use a hyphen to exclude words - Mustang
Use a colon to search for specific sites - Sidney Crosby:nhl.com
Find page that links to another page - link:nytimes.com
Use an asterisk as a place holder - come * right now * me
Find sites that are similar - related:amazon.com
Use "OR" to search multiple keywords
Place words in quotation marks to search for specific phrase
Use Boolean Operators ( and, or, not)
Use NEAR 5/10/25 operator to search for words near ex. cat NEAR 5 dog
Use Boolean Operators to expand or narrow terms
And - this will search all terms
Or - each result will contain at lease on search term
Not - results do not contain on of the search terms
Use Parenthesis and Boolean Search terms to search multiple terms ex. (mouse or rat) and trap
Use Double quotes around your search terms to search a specific phrase or title
Use ? as a wildcard to replace a letter for all terms ex. ne?t = neat, nest, next
Use # when alternate spelling may occur ex. colo#r = color, colour
Use * to with truncated word to find all forms or to replace a word ex. comput* = computer, computing or midsummer's *dream
Use multiple search terms to get best results
Use Boolean Operators to expand or narrow terms
And - this will search all terms
Or - each result will contain at lease on search term
Not - results do not contain on of the search terms
FVCC- Library - Use database and get Interlibrary loans from other colleges
Interlibrary Loan Process - Send title and author to Ms. Phillips or take title and author to FVCC library (if you want to sign up for a community card).
Databases can be accessed: username: patron password: MorseYarnSofa
100's Philosophy
The Oxford companion to philosophy 103 Oxf
Masterpieces of world philosophy 100 Mas
200's Religion
300's Social Science
International encyclopedia of the social sciences 300.3 Int
400 Language
Oxford English Dictionary 423 Oxf
500 Science
600 Applied Science
700 Arts/ Sports
800 Literature
Criticism - search by title of work.
900 History
Search Engines for Scholarly Articles
Best online research apps/sites
Citation Help
Purdue OWL - Guide to citations
Microsoft Word - Quick Guide to Citations and Bibliography