Understanding the Adolescent Brain:

Preparing our kids for a rapidly changing world

Dear Whistler Families,

After attending a riveting Learning and the Brain Conference on raising and educating the anxious mind, we have felt compelled to work together to get the most salient research out to the parents of our community. The stats and figures for adolescent anxiety, depression and suicidality across our continent are on the rise, and researchers are beginning to understand why.

Over the next 6 weeks we will be sending out weekly blasts of content from the world’s top researchers on adolescent brains. With this we will post discussion questions or things to consider when watching the video clips or reading the content. We will also be weaving in guest speakers during this time to help deliver the message and create more community awareness around these topics. It is our hope that working together we can create the culture and environment to best support our kids.

We have the capacity collectively to create the nurturing environment to support our students in understanding the new paradigm of success.


Jeff Maynard & Stuart Bent

Principals of Myrtle Philip and Spring Creek Community Schools