St'a7mes School

School Improvement Plan - 2019/20

Our 2019/20 School Learning Plan has been reviewed over the past 5 years. It is intended for staff, students, and parents at St'a7mes School, including Aya7ayulh Chet (Cultural Journeys) & Learning Expeditions, to be represented on this committee and have been engaging in refreshing and refining their “Theories of Action”.

This year, our School Improvement Committee has determined the areas of our plan where we would like to seek input and consultation and established timelines for developing and refining our School Learning Plan on a yearly basis. Parents and students will be engaging through online surveys and student forums.

We are currently in the process of focusing our program inquiries using our school district's refreshed Education Plan & the “Spirals of Inquiry” model, with the support of Ross Green's "Lost at School" and Jennifer Katz's "Teaching to Diversity" as resources.

Using the “If (strategy/pedagogy) and (learning)” template, the revised “Theories of Action” for 2019/20 have been developed over the course of our summer professional development days, September & October staff meetings, and in individual meetings with staff, students, and parents.