MQE Structures to support our goal 

Safe, purposeful, and powerful learning environments include important STRUCTURES which enhance core competency development, while also enhancing important protective factors and reducing known risk factors for children. We will continue to explore outdoor learning spaces, flexible settings, pro-social groupings, and flexible scheduling for students and teachers. ‘Collaborative Models of Support’ will bring teachers together for purposeful dialogue using data to plan invisible interventions within the classroom.

Current Structures at MQE

Raven Values 

Staff have worked together to create a structure for a sense of belonging.   This now will become a framework  for assemblies and common language to generate a culture of belonging and identification.  

Teacher Collaboration & Collaborative Models of Support 

 Teacher collaboration is a structure that improves the capacity of staff to develop the instructional skills to teach student Creative and Critical Thinking skills.  Teacher teams are deeply established at Mamquam who meet regularly and co-plan units and lessons.  

Funds are set aside for support for collaboration dinners & for TOC release for ILT and co-collab in school. 

Classes organized for increased teacher and student collaboration.  All classes have a partner class or two at the same grade level.  This creates natural groupings for co-planning, co-teaching and co-assessing. 

Our current model of CMOS though tof class mapping process is working well to meet the student and teacher needs in the classroom.  This is bringing in several common instructional strategies. & practices.  

Student Leadership 

Students and Teacher Leaders collaboratively plan and organize school wide events.  Some of the leadership opportunities available to our students are We Scare Hunger, Community Christmas Care, Spirit Days, Assembly Crew, Pink It Forward, Bike to School Week, Personal Choice Clubs.

We are seeing an uptick in student led initiatives.  For example Cosmic Book club, Robotics Club,  Soccer league,  and now had a team of students planning for a Gaga Ball pit that was built in the summer.    

NEW Structures to support our plan 

PBIS (Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day.

Our team has built and set up a PBIS structure at MQE that was launched on Oct 13th 2023.  We believe it will help students be able to reflect on their own behaviour in accordance to the community-minded expectations and values in the building. 

If Students know what to expect from each other and can visually access these expectations, then they will feel more comfortable meeting them. 

Family Groupings


Family Groups.  Family groups are multiage (K-6) groups of students

that meet on a semi-regular basis around a task or challenge.  In the

past, we have used Family Groups when we developed our learning

around or World Ocean’s Day events.  

For the 2019/2020 school year, we used our Family Groups as a 

structure when we envisioned what our school would look like, sound

like and feel like if we lived our Shared Values. 

Staff have indicated that they would like to bring back this structure to 

support the continued shared responsibility  around sense of belonging.  


Community Enagement 

Part of being data informed is looking at ways to improve our students experience in creative ways.  What data is showing us is a common challenge for many our students : Sleep & attendance ...    How can we make improvements in this area?