SD48 Goal

Understanding the Student Competencies within Our Common Goal

Knowing precisely what a student will need in order to be successful in an ever changing future will always require evolving understandings. However, we do know there are key competencies that will prepare any person to respond and adjust with flexibility and confidence during life’s journey. In order to support our students with the development of these competencies, our district is focused on higher order skills through a healthy, balanced approach.

We have been honoured with the gift of using the Medicine Wheel, an Indigenous symbol, to represent this balance. Beside each identified competency is a word describing the relative importance of place within the Medicine Wheel – Self, Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Emotional. Each of the student competencies has been further challenged through the work of globally recognized learning expert, Howard Gardner and his Five Minds for the Future (2009), which describes the Disciplined, Creative, Synthesizing, Ethical, and Respectful Minds. These two broad, overarching views of a complete learner align with the BC Ministry of Education core competencies, and serve to guide our team’s work in leading through the common goal of our school district.

LEARN (Self/Disciplined Mind)

  • Core skills – communication, literacy, numeracy

  • Personal responsibility, health and well-being, self-regulation, intrapersonal skills

  • Personal and cultural identity, self-advocacy, adaptability, resiliency, purpose, agency

CREATE and INNOVATE (Physical/Creative Mind)

  • Curiosity, imagination, creativity

  • Physical movement, technical, artistic, and digital skills

  • Designing, developing, making something new

THINK CRITICALLY (Intellectual/Synthesizing Mind)

  • Scanning, questioning, investigating, analyzing

  • Inferencing, connecting, synthesizing

  • Reasoned judgments, problem solving

CONTRIBUTE (Spiritual/Ethical Mind)

  • Social, environmental, and economic responsibility

  • Advocacy for diversity and human rights

  • Ethical reasoning, local and global citizenship, leadership

COLLABORATE (Emotional/Respectful Mind)

  • Interpersonal skills, intellectual flexibility

  • Learning from diverse perspectives and generations

  • Building relationships, empathy, co-agency