Neuroscience Research

Every child deserves a quality education not by chance but by design (Hattie, 2016). Neuroplasticity acknowledges that the brain’s pathways can be changed and developed over time as an effect of environmental, behavioural, or neural changes. Enduring brain development requires the ability to apply meaningfully-learned knowledge and skills flexibly and creatively in different situations. Beyond mastery or routine expertise, meaningful learning occurs when the brain can access core competencies and continuously expand the breadth and depth of existing strengths. Recent research of neuroplasticity provides us with the following guidance:

Learning involves emotion and motivation.

Learning is optimized in safe, caring, inclusive environments that provide challenges, and a balance between engaging strengths and supporting areas that need strengthening. The presence of a supportive, attuned adult who believes that the child will succeed is a significant factor when measuring learning. As well, unconditional support clears the neural pathways to engage deeply in the learning process rather than being distracted by navigating more “basic needs”. The brain’s neural pathways strengthen when the learner experiences increasing levels of intrinsic motivation to actively participate in learning. Emotions affect brain responses and memory formation.

Meaningful learning takes patience and time.

Brain development is unique to each individual, occurring in different ways and at different rates. Patience and time to ponder, reflect, and adjust allow for more and enhanced connections which deepen understanding. Quality of learning is proven to be more effective for deep learning than quantity of learning.

Brain systems are actively engaged in narratives about meaning.

Deep learning involves relational thinking, place, connecting to past experiences, prior knowledge and understandings which create pathways for the creation and communication of new information. Stories deepen brain connections by contextualizing information prior to transferring it into memory. Brain functioning is impacted by the exploration of self-identity, as well as, individual and shared experiences and narratives. More holistic and experiential opportunities enhance higher level learning.

Meaningful learning can be experienced and demonstrated by all.

Neuroplasticity acknowledges that every brain’s pathways can be changed and developed over time as an effect of environmental, behavioural, or neural changes. This development is optimized when the learning process is purposeful, personal, diverse, and distinct. An accurate or useful understanding or assessment of an individual’s development cannot be accomplished in any one way. Each brain being distinctly unique also means that the fulsome demonstration of any learning must be personalized.

Brain development is impacted by the environmental setting.

Brain development is optimized when the environment and task are intentionally designed to address each specific learners’ strengths, needs, motivations, emotions, resource requirements, etc. Learning can adjust more in an environment which is reflexive, responsive, and designed specifically for the intended learning. Meaningful learning is positively impacted by social interaction. The environment shapes the learner and the learner shapes the environment. Diversity in all aspects of a learning environment provides enhanced opportunity, personalization, perspective, and relevance.