SAT Exam and related information:

Why should I take the SAT?

We encourage students and families to take advantage of the opportunity 27J is providing to our seniors to take the SAT.  Students may choose to test November 7th or December 5th.  Both dates, the test will be given at Prairie View High School.  

Will I need an SAT score for College Admission?

Nearly all colleges require you to send at least one SAT or ACT score as part of your application for admission. But colleges differ on how they handle students with multiple sets of scores—for example, if you had two sets of SAT scores.

Other colleges do not require you to send your full testing record (though they often recommend it anyway). At these schools, you can take advantage of SAT's Score Choice policy, which allows you to send only your best scores.

Test Optional Details for Colorado's Four-Year Colleges and Universities - Updated July 21, 2022 VIEW CHART

More SAT information

Sycamore Learning is offering 5 hour SAT prep webinars, online, for $99. They will mail you a 650-page study guide as part of the class. Please contact Jen Minor,, if you'd like to test, free of charge.

College Admission Use of National Test Scores Read about it Here!