
Is the Awaken program for you?

Learners who thrive at Awaken Nature Education:

How to Apply

Intake into the Awaken Program occurs every September. The next intake is September 2025.

Awaken Program Student Application Form

AIAO Application Package 2023 Updated FULL

Awaken Program Former Teacher/Administrator Form 

AIAO Application Package 2023 Former Teacher/Admin Form

Frequently asked questions

As Awaken Nature Education is housed at Fulton Secondary, can I participate in Fulton athletics and extracurriculars?

YES, absolutely! Contact the Fulton Office to learn more about current extracurriculars, clubs, and athletics.

What grades can apply to and attend Awaken

We accept applications for students who will be entering grades 7, 8 & 9 in September.  Our next intake is September 2025. 

Awaken is made up of learners in grades 7 - 12 and is a program of choice that students can remain in from their year of entry through to graduation. 

Can I graduate from Awaken Nature Education with a BC Dogwood diploma? 

YES! All students who attend Awaken have the opportunity to graduate with a BC Dogwood Diploma. Awaken follows the Ministry of Education BC Curriculum.

Can graduates of Awaken go on to post-secondary?

Absolutely! We encourage all of our students to follow their areas of interest upon graduation. For some students, that means moving on to a post-secondary educational institution. Recent Awaken graduates have gone on to attend TRU, UBCO, Okanagan College, and Camosun College to study everything from Environmental Science and Psychology to Electrical Apprenticeship and Heavy Duty Mechanics.