ELA Committee

Goal: 53.18% of the classified 11th graders will meet or exceed the ELA proficiency goal on the ERW section of the SAT by the testing date in April of 2022.

Action Plan:

  • English and Reading teachers tracking data on formative assessments to determine areas of strength and weakness to both boost and stretch instruction to meet the needs of students individually

  • Reading teachers helping students to increase reading speed and stamina

  • All content areas integrating Common Core ERW standards into their coursework

  • All content areas finding ways to incorporate and utilize Vocabulary.com to boost student vocabulary knowledge

Meaningful + Manageable = Growth & Sustainability

ELA's Steps to Success:

Both Bloom Trail's English and Reading Departments have been utilizing resources from Academic Approach to help our Trailblazer students at all grade levels, especially Juniors, identify their testing strengths and weaknesses to be best prepared for the SAT. It is extremely important for our students to develop a sense of urgency and understand the importance of the SAT for their future. Additionally, these departments and administration have been pairing their preparation work to mirror benchmarks from Prairie State College, which many students attend after graduation.

"There is no substitute for hard work." - Thomas Edison

ELA's Semester 2 Focus Questions:

  • How will we continue to track progress toward our goal?

  • What will incentivize student success?

  • Are there additional instructional supports or professional development needed to help staff foster this goal?

  • How will we course correct this semester if we are not on track for meeting our goal?

  • What needs to be communicated to staff and students to ensure our success?