Willkommen zurück!

I am so excited that you are interested in learning German this year! German is an important language in engineering, science, technology, manufacturing, tourism and business (just to name a few areas). Learning German will hopefully open doors to many opportunities in your future and I am thrilled to be part of this amazing journey of learning another language. Looking forward to seeing you in class.

Why learn German?

Have you ever asked yourself the question why you would want to learn a foreign language? The reasons are endless. Some people learn a language, because of their family heritage, others for work and some want to be able to communicate with the locals while traveling in foreign countries.

What is Proficiency Based Learning?

Proficiency Based Learning is a new way of teaching foreign languages. This way of teaching focuses on what a student can do rather than focus on the things he or she cannot do.

How can I help?

Unfortunately, due to COVID guests are not allowed on campus until further notice, and I can not have any guest speakers or volunteers come to class . As soon as this regulation has been lifted, you can help the German program in many ways. We always need helpers for Oktoberfest, Christkindlmarkt and field trips. You can donate class materials and if you speak German we would love for you to come to be a guest speaker.