Career Support

Need help building your first resume? Follow along this resume workshop and get some helpful hints on what employers will want to know!

Resume Workshop.pptx

Interview Tips & Tricks

Research. There are some commonly asked questions in most interviews. Take the time to research what those questions can be to help you in preparing appropriate answers. 

Bring several copies of your resume. Also, bring a copy of your transcript. Carry your papers in an organized manner. 

Dress up. Business casual is a good start regardless of what you will be wearing at the actual job. 

Be on time. This often means 10-15 minutes early. Interviewers often are ready before the appointment. 

Watch your body language. Everyone gets nervous in an interview the key is to find what can help with your nerves. Remember to breath. 

Greet the interviewer with a handshake and a smile. Remember to maintain eye contact (which does not mean a stare down). 

Have some questions of your own prepared in advance. There is nothing wrong with having a short list of questions and thoughts- it shows you have done your research and want to know more about the organization and the position. 

Expect to spend some time developing rapport. Don’t jump right in and get down to business. Follow the interviewer’s lead. 

Listen carefully to the interviewer. Be sure you understand the question; if not, ask for clarification, or restate it in your own words. Answer completely and concisely. Stick to the subject at hand. 

Focus on your attributes, your transferable skills, and your willingness to learn; don’t apologize for a lack of experience; describe your strengths in terms of what you can do for the organization. 

Don’t expect a job offer at the first interview. Often you will be invited to a second or even third interview before an offer is made several weeks later. 

Close on a positive, enthusiastic note. Ask what the next step will be. Thank the interviewer for his/her time and express your interest in the job. Leave quickly and courteously with a handshake and a smile.