How to Enrollment in the GLVPAA

Applications for the 2020-2021 school year are currently closed. Applications for mid year enrollment will be accepted November 1st until December 7th 2020,

With the current Corona virus restrictions in place, the normal timeline for enrollment has been changed.

  • Students who wish to audition and/or provide their portfolio for review for GLVPAA 2021-2022 school year enrollment must have their completed applications submitted by May 3, 2020. (Online applications link below).

  • Please forward the Recommendation Form link below to teachers, mentors or coaches to fill out your 2 letters of recommendations.

  • All Student will have a scheduled interview. (Questions may include: Why do you want to be a part of the GLVPAA? What do you want to get out of the program? What do you see yourself doing arts related within your future career? Why are you passionate about your form of art?

Visual Art Portfolio Submission

  • A portfolio is a collection of your works that represent your abilities, interests and creativity. It should include 5-6 pieces, which can be any of the following: 2D, 3D art, digital art, sketch books, photography, self portrait, still life, paintings and drawings and no more than 1 strong but unfinished piece.

  • Students are asked to submit their art portfolios in person or in form of digital images via email to for review..


  • Students already enrolled in SHS or SMS choirs and band do not have to audition. But enrollment will be based off of their interview and the recommendation of Mrs. Leech and Mrs. Cottrill for the Vocal program and Mr. Klohn and Mr. Barringer for the Band Program.

  • Students who would like to Open Enrolled from another district, students not currently in SHS or SMS Choir or Band, and students interested in the Dance and Theatre programs are required to audition. (See Audition Requirement under Things to Know tab for your major) Auditions will be scheduled with individuals once completed applications are received.

If you have any questions about any of the arts programs check out this website. You can also email me, Mrs. Shepherd at or call (419)-984-1077 if you still have questions and I will respond within 48 hours.