
Dream BIG, No limits, No Excuses!


Class Expectations

When participating in class activities, please remember the following:

  1. Anything you do with your school account can be traced back to your school account. This means messages, activity during a Meet session, and so on. The internet in general may offer anonymity but your school accounts do not.

  2. Be kind to others. Treat them the way they want to be treated--not the way you want to be treated. The two things might be different.

  3. Be responsible. Use your technology/time wisely and appropriately.

  4. Please come to class with a positive attitude and expectation of learning wonderful things.

Classroom resources

Child Development Classroom link: Child Development

AVID 12 Classroom link: AVID 12

" The people who succeed aren't the ones who avoid failure; they're the ones that learn how to respond to failure with optimism. "

Darrin Donnelly author of Relentless Optimism, How a commitment to thinking positive changes everything.

Scio High School Mission and Vision:

Mission: We the staff of Scio High School empower all students to be adaptable, respectful, and option ready through providing a safe and supportive environment.

Vision: Empower students to dream BIG (Believe, Inspire, Give) in a safe environment. Dream Big, No limits, No Excuses!