PS191Q Reference Guide

PS 191Q 

The Mayflower School


School Opening Reference Guide    


Welcome Back! We are so happy to welcome students back to PS 191 – The Mayflower School. We know you have many questions about this school year. Please be assured we are committed to making this a special and wonderful time for your entire family. In this reference guide, you will find some important information. Learning begins for all students on Thursday, September 7th. Please see below for further instructions.


First Day of School Schedule Grades K-5:

o   School begins at 8:15 am

o   Thursday, September 7th and Friday, September 8th students will meet their teacher in the schoolyards.

        Grades K-2 will line up in the school yard near the gym doors on 259th Street.

        Grades 3-5 will line up in the school yard on East Williston Avenue.

o   Starting on Monday, September 11th students in:

        Grades Kindergarten, 1 and 2 will enter through the gym door, exit 11 near 259th Street

        Grades 3, 4 and 5 will enter through exit 10 on 259th Street


Pre-K Students:

The first day of school is Thursday, September 7th. In order to ensure a smooth transition to school, we will have a shortened schedule for the first two days to help children adjust. Please bring your child to school at 9:00 am and pick them up at 1:30 pm on September 7th and 8th. On Monday, September 11th, all Pre-K children will attend for the full day. Students will enter and exit through the Pre-K doors, exit 13, near 258th street and the school yard.





Drop-off will begin at 8:00 am, only for students in grades K -5. Pre-K students will begin drop-off at 8:15 am. All students will be expected to be in the building no later than 8:15am daily. Students will enter the building through the exits below:



Grade                                                        Exit

Pre - K                                                        13

Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2   11

Grade 3, Grade 4 and Grade 5                  10



Parents will not be allowed in the building during arrival time.  Please say goodbye to your child at the door. If you need to go to the main office, please have photo ID and sign in at security using exit 1 located on 258th Street.




Dismissal times will be staggered as indicated below:  


Grade                                          Exit                                    Dismissal Time

Pre-K                                            13                              2:25pm

Kindergarten     11 2:27pm

1st 12 2:27pm

2nd 10 2:27pm

3rd 2 2:30pm

4th 1 2:30pm

5th 4 2:30pm


All students will be dismissed from the exits listed above. Teachers will dismiss one student at a time when they see a parent or authorized person. Please be patient and instruct your child to wait until the teacher sends him/her to meet you. For students in grades 4-5, if you would like your child to walk home, please send a note to school. Unless we have written permission, we will not allow your child to walk home.


PLEASE BE PROMPT AT DISMISSAL. The best way to ensure safety is to pick up your child promptly at the designated dismissal time. Try to come 5 minutes early. It is safer for you to wait for your child than for your child to wait for you.


 Early Pick-Up:


If you need to pick your child up from school, you MUST provide us with a note in the morning stating the time of pick-up. If you forget to send in a note, you MUST call the main office before you arrive at the school.  Classroom teachers will try their best to have your child ready for you when you arrive.  Please remember to bring your Photo ID and your child will only be released to the authorized names located on the blue card.


It is imperative to keep our students and staff safe. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please send a letter to your child’s classroom teacher in order to schedule a call or conference.


 Meal Procedures:  





Students will be given breakfast in a bag as they enter the school building each morning. Students will eat breakfast in their classrooms in the morning.





Pre-K students will eat lunch in their classroom.

Students of grades K-5 will eat lunch in the cafeteria.




Student Supplies 


        Students should bring their supplies daily.  The grade appropriate supply list is available on the website (

      All supplies should be clearly labeled with the child’s name and class.  

      Some supplies will be supplied by PS 191 and will be in your child’s classroom for them.



Meeting the Teacher



      All parents will have an opportunity to meet their child’s teacher on Thursday, September 14th.


You will be receiving more information to follow.




Please find more information at:


or – @ps191q