Minutes from Leadership Meetings

Leadership 10/19/2023


Leadership Norms- Start and end on time

Respect differing views

Remain engaged

Support final decisions


Review By-Laws and Revise

Mission Statement Changes to incorporate nurturing environment, rigorous curriculum, and including more parent involvement.

Vision-How to get them there by engaging the students in an active learning environment

No less than 5 members

Election for Leadership position 

No more parent newsletter The Mayflower

Change in unexcused absences from 2-3

School Community members can speak for more than 3 minutes now

Quorum 5 members instead of 6

Shared drive for all to see minutes and agendas for meetings no more mayflower

Amendments change 10 to 8 members


Chancellors Regs A-412 November 29, 2023 6pm LIC High School Safety training-optional


WIN Periods

“What I need”-giving students small group instruction

Pulling students after core instruction for things they might need

Not just in the small groups once…3 periods in teacher schedule and they’ll get a cycle of what they need and progress monitored.  Holds the students for a longer period of time.  Builds capacity based on whatever the child needs.  If a student struggles with one skill, groups of students will be reached. Kids in all classes can come together in groups.  I can have jessie and our kids.

Could be for enrichment as well


Title 3 Programs

ELL 30 ELLS or more

Wednesday and Thursday mornings

Afternoon Wed and Thur both for 45 minutes 3rd December 4/5 will go

Reinforces the school day but helps with all modalities speaking and listening

This is only open to ELLs and when parents approach teachers and other parents explain it’s not for the gen pop

Panorama v Dessa

Goal setting assemblies and how to be a better citizen

How to keep them persistent


Leadership 11/16/2023


New member elected


Common Point After school Program- Samuel Field Y 3-6:30 every weekday.  Additional fees for busing and program. $420 a month $190 for bus $610 total for both busing and program.  Can work with them on busing prices.  Different from Beacon because of the bus and it’s offered to all students including K-5.


 After School Program-title 3 ENL program Wed/Thurs before and after school.  We will be having an additional after school for just a specific type of student.  More to come.  Follow criteria with integrity but there could be a backup list if the intended families aren’t able to send their kids. 


Title 1- By Dec 1st forms should be submitted.  Gives allocation based on forms.  Should be title 1 next year.  We’ll probably have a title 1 free program for after school.  That money could go towards paying for ICT teachers in classrooms that aren’t at capacity. 


 Public Notice-Expanding M153 K-5 They want to expand to K-8.  Parents can join hearing.


Amendments to Chancellor’s Regs- A412 Security in schools.  They added that arresting students happens off campus. 

Leadership 12/21/2023


Celebrations: winter concert went well, circle of dance ended for k-2

Respect for all winners-district office-students submitted an essay and won or a runner up.


Circle of dance funded by a grant, low budget program so we are able to do it for 3-5.  It’s a residency that doesn’t charge a lot.  We’re all grateful. Dancing through the decades.  Begins in January. Dance show second week in February.


Soapbox-assembly k-5 participated.  Calls students to speak out about issues that are important to them.  FEB 2 students who voted will rep the school at preliminary rounds.  If they get chosen they’ll go to the soapbox NYC event.  The kids loved it. Recess equipment was a big one. 


Recess needs more structure-using money for needs of the school.  Let the kids talk about and vote what items they want at recess and create a menu of voting they want, and use funding to buy those things.  Zones for students to play.  Try to restructure what recess looks like.  Meets their needs and motivates safety. 


Title 3 after school morning (grade 3) and after school (Grades 2,4,5)


Middle of year screener k-5 opens from January 2 through February 9th Acadience and iReady online


State test CBT computer based testing 5th will be taking a mock ELA, math and science exam in January…real tests are in April and may for ela and math respectfully. Grades 3-4 will take a paper test.


Data results online for scoring 3s and 4s

55% 3. 64 ela/math

74% 4 78

60% 5 68


Attendance increase to 92% compared to last year it was 32% for chronic absent and this year its 27%.   Strategically planning events to try to deter parents from taking extended vacations.


Next meeting January 18

Leadership 1/18/24


Next meeting 2/15


Promotion in Doubt letter-review with parents.  Based on midyear assessments (accadience/HMH) (iReady and HMH), (Envisions). Different for each grade.  Doesn’t mean they’ll be held over or need summer school it just means they aren’t on grade level right now.  Level 1 (59 or below) cumulative average will get the letter.  They’ll get one letter for ELA and math.  On that letter we will also take into consideration the classwork for the child…projects, discussions, etc.


Going partnership with METS to “Mets you gotta read rally”

Reding incentive program

If they read books, theyll get a prize per base. 1st base, second base, etc gets incentivized. 

Mets store in the gym when they hit x amount of books

Feb 8th Mr. Met will come and we’ll have an assembly with press


Feb 9th Winter wonderland from PTA


Week of 12th-16th is respect for all week.  Mrs. Horan, Gisone, student gov, equity warriors, Anastasia and Jasmine came up with daily activities. Each day will have a targeted respect initiative. Teachers will have specific discussions as well.  They can push in to discuss respect for all (Jas and Ana)

2/14 pretzel sale

PTA 16th-special respect hip hop assembly

Leadership 2/15/24


Parents will be invited in march to visit their child’s teacher to see HMH. It’ll be a nice to have parent engagement and showcase how the lessons are student directed and give parents a glimpse of what’s going on. 45 minute quick check in and the March 7th we have PTC. Pre-k Families come as well to see the curriculum which is different than HMH. 


We are going to have robotics coming to 191.  Lego robotics coming in march.  It’s called Bricks for Kids.  If the teachers and students like it we could bring it to 191.  They can meet with SLT and then speak to us on march 21st which by then most of the classes will have the session.  If it’s interesting, they can do it once a week $15 a session once. week. 4-6 sessions for 45 minutes.  Sab and Court will test out different presenters and find one that’s engaging.  Rotating cycles of grades.  30 students per class.  Maybe it would be 4th and 5th graders first etc.


MOY Data Middle of yer data for ELA and Math which told us where the children are performing academically.  K-5 my students account will have the data.  Sabrina will send home a message when we come back from break and teachers will review the data during PTC.  It’s based on accidence and iReady. 


M056, M490, M535 are having construction.


School Leadership Training video-We watched it 30-45 minutes mandated training that we all need to take.  History of SLT, bylaws, CEP, following chancellors regs, budget, roles of SLT, implementing school wide programs for students who may be at risk, election process, DLT district leadership team….


Sabrina will write some of the CEP goals for the school.  They take into consideration data from teachers and use that data to write the goals then communicate that with parents.  It’s based on how we can help students and what we can do to make the students achieve more.  We are going to finish watching the video next month and look at what the CEP was last year and how it can be changed for next year. 


Next SLT March 21

Leadership 3/21/24


Bricks for kids- provides hands on workshops in and after school.  Mostly in D26.  Progressive hands on where students can build automobiles and learning about the mechanisms. Also learns about cranes, jackhammers and other mechanics.  Very hands on.  Build and play, customize and play with what they build.  It’s designed also for after school for 1 hour each week 10 weeks $300 per child. K-5 20 students per class and depending on needs could be on different days.  K-2 in one group and 3-5 in other.  At 115 one of the parents volunteer each week to assist.  Parents can register online through the company or they can do it through the school.  They’ll be doing back for free to work with the lower grades again.  They’ll also be coming to 4-5th the 26th and then in may for K.  He wants to expand to an hour.  Bricks for Kids family event in May.  First 75 people who sign up will get invited for this event.


Possible new math program-Possibility to change it for next school year.  Ms. Kessel has been going to monthly meetings and turnkeys what she sees.  We are preparing for these upcoming changes by implementing some activities in the classes.  In May there will be a spotlight visit at another school, where possibly parents can go see it in action.  Possibly an SLT parent.  Probably will be at 133. 


MOY Data-Shared Acadience and iReady data to families letting them know how there students were doing.  Based on that info, we created WIN periods and groups to give them additional supports in areas they need.  K is performing much better this year than last.  They ended the year last year with the amount of progress that we have in our classes now. How are students performing on these tests and HMH and progress monitor what progress is being made. Also compare iReady BOY to now.


Chronic absences have improved.  More events do help.

CEP Goals need to be written and will be done as a team with SLT.


Next meeting April 18th!

Leadership April 18th, 2024


Review the new math program


We created a math team to cover the pre implementation to the Illustrative Math (IM) program.  Schools have an option if they want to implement this next year but that by 25-26, we will need to implement it fully.  Since we have to do it anyway, why not just do it next year and test it out.  IM will prepare our students for middle school since they don’t have a choice in doing the program.


It’s more of an exploration for the kids to do on their own before the teacher teaches explicitly. 


We went over the data on why we would implement this next year from the plan.  The math team decided to implement it and will watch another school at the end of may doing it in their classes. 


This program comes with online components to bring our students more to date with the new testing.  All of the tests will be online along with the state tests.  It’s also supposed to be much more engaging with initial activities for the students to do independently and with partners.  It starts with the you do, we do, I do model instead of I do, we do, you do. It’s more complex questions but the quality is much better.  Depending on the skills and concepts there are still some lessons that will require more explicit teaching.


The program comes with resources for families.  There is a parent portion that helps explain things they can do to help support the work happening in the classroom. 


We want to become better at the trial next year so that when we do have to implement the program, our kids are supported and makes transitions to middle school easier for them.  We are norming the math curriculum. 


May 29th, P.S.26 will be hosting us to show how we should be running the program in our school.  May 10th, P.S.133 will be spotlighting the program for parents. 


NYC schools get core curriculum and this new math program is part of it.  If we implement it next year and opt in we will get some materials without killing our budget. 

Leadership `June 2024 


Registration in August for new students

August 30 PreK and K orientation 9:00am and 10:00am

Principals in playground August 30th 11-1145


7:55-8:15 early drop-off


September 12th 3:15-6:15 Back to School Night

Meet the Mrs. Gisone, Mrs. Horan, Mrs. Geniti, the PTA, and the teachers.


ELA/Math EOY Data

53% Acadience of k 1 and 2 students are at grade level

53% Acadience are better

63% iReady on or above grade level

60% at or above 100% of typical growth


47% are on grade level or above in math


Grade 3 made 73% progress where kids are on grade level with iReady


We will need some time to get into the math curriculum and group students based on support needs.

Mrs. Geniti sent home math fluency facts for families K-4 to help these kids with basic skills to come back stronger in September.  Kids need to get stronger at fact fluency and number sense. 


Anne, Elissa, and Lisa will be on Leadership next year as the new team.


Sabrina is working on the CEP and plugging in data for the new school year.


September 5th is the first day of school.