P.S 008 Issac Varian
Striving for Excellence
This site chronicles our art adventures at P.S 008. Our school is constantly striving for inclusivity, to feel welcomed.
Thank you for coming by and visiting my site! Come along and read about our ongoing art adventures, training our artistic eyes 👁 and insights.
Meet and Greet
Meet and Greet
Hello families of P.S 008! Our school is hosting a "meet and greet" on September 12. Come visit to one of the sessions.
Session 1: 4:30-5:30pm
Session 2: 6:00-7:30pm
Have we told you what's going on recently? Read about our monthly news of what projects our scholars are up to.
This photo is listing the "10 lessons Art Teaches" by Elliot Eisner Elliot Eisner for National Art Education Association.
Wait.... why is art important?
Wait.... why is art important?