About the Project

Credits and Background

The modules are based upon the webinar series created by New York University's SAIL Research Lab. These modules were developed in response to teachers and administrators who were looking for opportunities to earn CTLE hours in supporting English language learners. Additionally, because the content of the modules is based in science pedagogy, educators can also apply these hours towards their content and pedagogy requirements.

The module development team include:

Dr. Clara Bauler (Associate Professor of TESOL/Bilingual, Adelphi University)

Dr. Emily Kang (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Adelphi University)

Dr. Okhee Lee (Professor of Childhood Education, New York University)

Ms. Theresa Ocol (Senior Director of Content Areas, Division of Multilingual Learners, NYC Department of Education)

How to Cite Our Modules

Please use this example citation as a template:

Kang, E., Ocol, T., Bauler, C., & Lee, O. (2022). CTLE professional development series: Integrating science and language for all students with a focus on English language learners. Collaboration among Adelphi University, New York City Department of Education, and New York University. https://sites.google.com/schools.nyc.gov/nysed-ctle-integrating-science/home