About CS4All K-5

The CS4All K-5 team has a mission to integrate computer science (CS) into the elementary curriculum in order to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy from an early age. This involves creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment that encourages all students, especially those from underrepresented groups, to explore and excel in computer science.

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) K12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards were adopted by the Board of Regents in December 2020 with the expectation that all K-12 schools will fully implement these standards by September 2024. 

To support this effort in elementary schools, the CS4All K-5 team has developed units, curricula, and resources to aid teachers in implementing computer science education in their classrooms. This website contains a wide variety of resources to support teachers who are new to CS, as well as those who are experienced in bringing computer science to their students.

For more information, please visit blueprint.cs4all.nyc