Student work

Edalyse Perez 

Bodega, 2023

18x24 Matte Paper

Artist statement

Music and instruments are a huge part of my identity and culture. A song that stands out to me is ‘Our Song’ by Aventura off their album ‘God’s Project’. This song gives me a sense of nostalgia because it reminds me of a memory, when I was in the Dominican Republic visiting my dad’s hometown Matanzas…” 

Ebigael Delison 

Identity,  2023


          Artist Statement

Mon travail est axé sur la croissance personnelle, il est précisément basé sur la timidité

My work is about self-growth , it is precisely based on shyness. I was born in 2006,and as a shy person I wanted other people to find themselves in my art. I’ve always been shy since I was a kid I didn’t socialize very much,I did make friends, yes but I wasn't able to ask questions without feeling judge,awkward.”

Zoe Colon - Alcantara

A&C, 2023

16x24 Luster Print 

             Artist Statement

“My work is about the individuality of my family members and presenting them the way I see them through my camera. I was able to do this through different angles, lighting, and themes. I wanted to show my family in a creative way, for example using angles you wouldn’t expect to see a person use therefore, this gave me inspiration to photograph them like this. I made these series of photos to remember and show my family the way I’ve always seen them…”