Work with EECS
Level 4 Educators

EECS Level 4 educators, also known as the Ingenuity Team, have 4+ years of EECS education, are up-to-date on the latest CR-SE research, and have significant experience in bringing equitable CS practices to their schools and the CS community. EECS Level 4s are available to collaborate, advise, develop curriculum or lesson plans or speak at engagement(s).

Hiring EECS Educators 

As full-time teachers with the NYC Public School system, Level 4 teachers are available to support school districts, academic programs, and CS initiatives. Each member aims to share their teaching practices, their CR-SE strategies, and build professional networks that bridge classrooms and school communities. Level 4 educators are available on a limited basis during after-work hours, typically up to 2-3 hours a week during the school year and significantly more hours during the summer for paid opportunities. CS4All will require not only payment of members but also credit for them in the final product. Acknowledgment and branding of CS4All’s Exploring Equity in CS program is required.  

As each member of our Level 4 community brings different knowledge, expertise, and grade band experience, the CS4All Equity team will identify the appropriate individuals based on your needs.


To request EECS Level 4 Teacher support submit the form linked below. 

Learn more about how our Level 4 Teachers work with collaborators

Kristi Jones, high school teacher, worked with her AP Computer Science Principles students to create and implement a new curricular unit in the spring of 2022, complete with daily lessons, activities, and a final project. Students read and analyzed a graphic novel, Power On!, while discovering how systemic racism, intersectionality, and representation play a role in bias within tech. Students then created an end of unit app, game, or other tool to explain or inspire others about a specific real world social justice issue related to algorithmic bias such as in the justice system, health care, or financial aid. This work was then shared with several communities of educators to showcase its impact.

Bettie Mushatt Parker is helping CUNY professors and undergraduate student teachers integrate computing technologies into their curriculum. This partnership integration of computing technologies within a vast variety of subject areas, fosters a foundational level of computational thinking needed to grow future problem solvers within the educational system of the new digital revolution. 

Kristi Jones and Christy Crawford presented at the CSTA national conference in July 2023 on how White Anti-racist Affinity groups and EECS support making classrooms more social justice oriented (specifically for white educators).