Lessons from NYC’s CS4All Equity Initiative 

The CS4All Equity team puts meeting the standards of the New York State Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education (NYS CRSE) framework at the center of meaningful computer science (CS) education. We recognize the vital role of supporting teachers to meet the standards of rigor and equity. In addition to our focus on equipping CS teachers with skills to carry out rigorous CS instruction, we provide teachers with resources for creating equitable learning environments as well as opportunities for creating CRSE curricular materials with the help of experts from across the nation.

Summary of the Report

Although computer science (CS) is often seen as objective and unbiased, intentional acknowledgement of the role that the power dynamics based on race, ability, national origin, and gender among other social roles play in shaping experiences with technology are of the utmost importance. For this reason the NYC Public Schools Computer Science for All (CS4All) initiative has taken on the role of preparing teachers to meet the increasing need for rigorous CS education with equity at its center. We assume our role in addressing social disparities in CS education knowing that it requires that we simultaneously innovate and commit to making bias and inequity visible to our students and educators. We seek to arm our students with the knowledge and skills to embrace CS as a tool for communication, efficiency, and social change. To achieve this goal, we must reach CS educators and equip them with not only CS skills and knowledge but also the ability to question and challenge the inequitable effects of technology.

On our road to achieving equity in computer science education, we have learned several lessons and set the following goals for programming we provide: 


It is important for us to understand the ways in which racism and sexism, along with other biases, show up in our instruction, classroom, or schools – and the ways in which we can work to recognize and overcome them internally, interpersonally, institutionally, and ideologically. 

We must work to support all teachers in addressing issues of inequity.


Computer Science teachers are the frontlines of an equitable CS industry. Their role in molding student thought and building tomorrow’s leaders requires that we develop them beyond technical acumen and empower them to navigate problematic systems while using their voice for sustainable change. When equitable mindsets are not cultivated among these educators we lose our greatest allies in policy change and practice implementation.

Teachers who have engaged the CS4All equity focused work report being confident in implementing culturally relevant CS instruction.


Developing efforts and initiatives that underscore teacher empowerment requires patience as an equity-informed mindset is fostered and as the demands of the profession are unceasing. When we allow educators to bring their whole selves to this work it is challenging but this selfhood is our greatest asset and we must nurture it as they move toward social action and social change through CS. 

Fostering community between teachers is an important part of human-centered work.


The CS4All team is committed to making short- and long-term goals to work towards equitable opportunities and outcomes for students. While outcomes are important, we acknowledge that addressing existing and forthcoming inequities will not happen overnight.

While over 300 teachers have taken our equity foundational courses. Almost 20% have gone on to make long term commitments to equitable CS.


Policy and practice change cannot be achieved solely by teachers and students alone in their buildings or their districts. Administrators, across all levels of education, must nurture teacher equity leaders in their efforts and actively partner with these leaders to produce tangible institutional changes. These administrators must also see the impending and unavoidable impact that CS technologies will have on our society and must take proactive steps to center CS education and equity in CS.

EECS teachers in the classroom. 


The CS4All Equity Initiative:
Successes, Challenges & What’s Next 

Did you miss our Equity Impact Report Release event? 

Check out the video to learn more about our work including Exploring Equity in CS, a multi-year professional learning intervention.