Ingenuity Team

CS4All’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Ingenuity Team is an initiative for select CS4All teachers to examine their teaching practices, investigate the latest in CR-SE research and bring equitable CS practices to their schools and the CS community at large. Organizing partners, CS4All and NYC Men Teach developed a tailored curriculum which engages veteran educators to study, test, and then share practices of Culturally Relevant Education in CS.


Teacher Trainer Kristi Jones Created a New Lesson on the Lack of Diversity in Hollywood 

Kristi Jones' students created data sets of movies and shows featuring historically excluded groups. Students then made an app that traverses the data sets to give users information about what platforms have a variety of shows representing historically excluded groups in non-stereotypical ways.  

Kristi's presented her student's work at TeacherCon on May 7th.

2021-2022 Ingenuity Team Cohort

Each year the Ingenuity Team cohort is set up as teacher-led affinity groups with the aim to share teaching practices and strategies, and to build professional networks that bridge classrooms and school communities through the use of improvement science. These peer collaborative groups meet regularly throughout the school year to focus on skill acquisition through practice, feedback, and exclusive access to curated hands-on trainings from leading academic experts. 

Graphic collage of I.G. team member headshots.

IG TEAM MEMBER 2019-2022

Ashley Ufret

Ashley Ufret has been an Elementary Childhood & Bilingual Education Educator for 6 years.

Starting her journey with the NYC CS4ALL Sep Jr. program, she accepted the opportunity to join CS4All's Equity Ingenuity and EECS teams soon after. She found CS & Equity integration was the key to delivering meaningful, engaging and accessible instruction. With over 500 hours of professional learning in CS & Equity, she finds innovative ways to integrate CS & Equity within core content areas. She aims to bring CS & Equity education to ALL students, leading her to taking an active role in advocacy, educator recruitment, and teacher training. Selected as a CSTA 2021-22 Equity Fellow, Ashley Ufret is a leader in the CS & Equity global community. 

Lesson Plans: 

IG TEAM MEMBER 2021-2022

Kristi Jones

Biology & CS Teacher at HSHM, grades 9-12, and ECS facilitator for CS4All. Teaching AP Computer Science Principles, with a passion for modifying curriculum to recognize and celebrate the identities of her students.

Kristi has been an educator with the NYC Dept. of Education since 2004. She is passionate about both writing research papers with her research team at Hunter College ("Formative Assessment of Computational Thinking: Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes") as well as presenting in educational conference spaces (NSTA, ISTE). She is a recipient of the NYCDOE Excellence in School Technology Award in 2016 as well as a Code/Interactive Diversity in Tech Honoree in 2018.

Lesson Plan: 

IG TEAM MEMBER 2021-2022

Melissa Hannon

Library Media Specialist, CSforAll lead, and Equity Chair at PS 131 Brooklyn. Melissa teaches library information science and CS4all to Pk-5 students. She also facilitates professional learning in library, computer science, and equity work at the school level.

After hearing the comment "Computer science and library? That doesn't make sense," Melissa has advocated for computer science to be integrated into every content area and facilitates staff training for other specialty teachers. Melissa states, "Computer science is a tool, like a pencil, to synthesize, communicate, and create. It doesn't make sense not to have it." After seeing some trepidation along the lines of "these kids can't learn CS because______" Melissa has advocated for CS4All as a vehicle for equitable instruction and deliverables of the CR-SE framework. She believes computer science education is not optional. She states that these are the tools our students need to succeed.  

Lesson Plan: 

Image of Gwyn White-Best

IG TEAM MEMBER 2019-2022

Gwynn White-Best

The Library Media Specialist, at the Dr. Ronald E. McNair/ P.S. 5 school. 

Gwynn started teaching Computer Science with the Software Engineering Program Jr. in 2017. She is now a teacher trainer for SEPjr. program and School Lead for CSforALL since 2018.  She has created a Makerspace to bring STEAM activities to students. She is one of the recipients of the 2019 Excellence in School Technology award. 

Gwynn states, "This generation of young people has multiple entry points to create change on so many different levels. They should use social media, use campaigns and protests, use technology, and use the arts. I want them to understand why these injustices are happening, think about how to emotionally identify with them, then take action to lessen the harm and to create change within their communities! Our young people should never be afraid to find their voice and use it!"

Lesson Plans: 

Image of Gwyn White-Best with her students, students are holding up folders of their homework.
Hello, My Name Is...
Image of Lilly Ho

IG TEAM MEMBER 2020-2022

Lily Ho

K-5 Special Education and Computer Science Lead Educator who passionately advocates for equity and curates joyful explorations in Computer Science. 

A District Instructional Coach for Amazon Future Engineers BootUp PD, the CSTA NYC Chapter K-5 elected Teacher Leader, 2020 Distinguished Educator for Diversity in Tech. 


Culturally Responsive Project Based Learning K-5
Image of Théa Williams

IG TEAM MEMBER 2020-2022

Théa Williams

Technology specialist and former Library Media Specialist, grades PK-8, with a track record of establishing and testing new systems in NYC DOE schools. 

“Designing a supportive learning experience that personalizes education for students and connects them with their passions is how I hope to improve our society and communities one mind at a time.” –Théa Williams 

Educator with the NYC Dept. of Education since 2003 and Awarded the 2013-2014 NYIT School Building Leader Award. 

Lesson Plan: 

Image of a slide from Théa Williams presentation.
Image of Ross Berman

IG TEAM MEMBER 2020-2022

Ross Berman

Computer Science teacher at MS 217 in Queens.  Teaching Critical Computing and intro to Physical Computing.

“We are all about developing 21st century skills: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Computer science is a medium where you can build all of those because students continually need to figure out what to do when something doesn’t go right. It’s solving one problem after another and working with your classmates to do that.” –Ross Berman

Lesson Plan: 

Image of Robin Rivadeneira

IG TEAM MEMBER 2020-2022

Robin Rivadeneira

Technology specialist and former Library Media Specialist, of students in grades PK-8

Educator with the NYC Dept. of Education since 2003, he has a track record of establishing and testing new systems in NYC DOE schools. Awarded the 2013-2014 NYIT School Building Leader Award. 


Graphic stating "New York Institute of Technology"
Image of Donald Saint-Germain

IG TEAM MEMBER 2019-2022

Donald Saint-Germain

Google Trainer, SBL Certified, NYCDOE & UFT Peer Collaborative and Model Teacher, Math for America Fellow, CSTA Equity Fellow, Teach for America CS Fellow, Inaugural CS for All Teachers Community Ambassador, CS4ALL CRSE Ingenuity Team Member

“ My passion to provide my students with CS opportunities so that they can be better prepared for the world they are living in motivated me to participate and become a CS teacher. I teach to give back to students who look like me.” – Donald Saint-Germain


How Does Cyberbullying Affect Students?

AP Computer Science Principles

Blog Post

Image of Patricia Wong

IG TEAM MEMBER 2020-2022

Patricia Wong

Media Librarian, Google Trainer, CS4ALL Equity Lead, NYCDOE School SPOC, SBL & SDL Certified, Doctorate Student in Ed. Leadership and a Girl Scout Leader. 

“I believe that Empowered Cultural Relevant Computer Science Concepts and Practices is a pathway for Equity and Access for our students. Passion and Courageous Conversations are the beginnings for many levels of incremental changes. Embracing diversity and inclusion, empowers and makes spaces for positive impact in our global society.”  –Patricia Wong

Lesson Plans: 

Learn More About the Ingenuity Team

During meetings, educators co-create CS lesson plans and projects. CS4All and NYC Men teach support cohorts in securing opportunities to share their learning through a series of community and national presentations.

Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, CS4All and NYC Men Teach partnered to establish the program. The team uses Zaretta Hammond’s Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain as a guide to frame their team discussions and develop new practices. Cohorts participated in curated trainings led by Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Associate Professor of English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, Professor and author of "Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally "and Historically Responsive Literacy, and members of CS4All's Equity Justice League. To showcase their learnings, educators from each cohort were invited to present at NYCMT Showcases, CS4All workshops, CSTA, and CS4All’s CS Institute.