
Beautiful Me Logo

Beautiful Me

Advisors: Ms. Demartino, Ms. Hogg

Beautiful Me is a girls self esteem club.  We talk about relevant issues facing young ladies in today's world.  As well as providing a save space to nurture friendships, self esteem and confidence.  We do this through conversations, arts and crafts, and hands on experiences.  Our group is also involved with a number of the community service projects in the school. 



Advisors: Mr. Nepogoda, Mr. Rehren

The CHAMPS Sport and Fitness Program is an initiative of the New York City Department of Education that promotes physical activity among children going through the critical years of middle school. The name CHAMPS derives from the initials of the five values that define our participants: Cooperative, Healthy, Active, Motivated, and Positive Students.

Expanded Learning Time (ELT)

ELT focuses on improving academics with programs outside of the normal school day.  Some programs include: woodworking, guitar lessons, 3D modelling and more.

Book Club Logo

Library Book Club

Advisor: Ms. Vialet

Our Library Book Clubs provide enrichment for students who enjoy reading and discussing literature with their peers in a small group setting. Six clubs, two for each grade level, meet once a week over lunch to share their ideas. Students participate in book selection and guide the pace of reading. Students become members by invitation, demonstrated personal interest, or by their ELA teacher’s recommendation. Many students who join in the sixth grade continue until they graduate. 

Peer Mediation Club Logo

Peer Mediation

Advisors: Ms. Hogg

To help students with differences, we train student leaders to become mediators.  These student leaders help others that have conflicts resolve those conflicts.  

Quill and Parchment Logo

I.S. 77 Adventurers Guild (open external link)

Advisor: Mr. So

Quill and Parchment is a tabletop roleplaying club at I.S. 77 where student and teachers come together to play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), one of the world's most popular game systems.  Players will go on adventures, fight monsters, discover treasure and explore a different imaginative world.  Roleplaying games cultivate creativity, levels up social skills, encourages team work and cooperation, and teaches problem solving skills.  And it's fun!  

Robotics Club

Advisor: Mr. So

Robotics is an after school program designed for competition.  We currently compete in the Wonder League Robotics Competition as well as the Cyber Robotics Coding Competition.  Students are tasked with multiple missions that require engineering, math, and coding.

Safety Patrol

Advisors: Ms. DeMartino

Safety Patrollers help fellow students cross the street.  Safety Patrollers help teachers at special events.

Safety Patrollers earn community service hours while doing an amazing job helping their school community. The application process begins in 7th grade and training is in May.


Advisor: Ms. Nolen

Scribbles is our official school supply store. Students can both work at and visit the store during lunch periods. Scribbles provides the student body a chance to buy a variety of necessary and fun school supplies, while students also learn and develop retail skills. Also, school staff can also buy supplies for their classroom and "Scribble Cash" to give as rewards. Scribbles keeps a fresh supply of colorful and fun themed, pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners, and other academic accessories for a fair price. 

Tech Squad

Advisor: Mr. So

Tech Squad is an elite student group that troubleshoots the many technology problems that occur in the school.  Tech Squad is responsible for installing printers, computers, projectors and other equipment.  Membership is by invitation and is based on several criteria such as academics, teacher recommendations and abstract problem solving.