
Students will spend time learning how to work together in small groups or partners, sharing ideas and materials. In September and October students will complete activities using stories.

Week 1- Students listened to Be A Maker.  They worked in small groups to build anything they wanted using LEGOs.

Week 2- Students listened to The Dot.  They used their imagination to create anything they wanted using just a dot, or dot sticker.

Week 3- Students listened to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.   They worked in centers, one to make their name on the coconut tree, another to draw their coconut tree and write their name, and using play dough mats to make letters.

Week 4- Students listened to The Big Red Barn. They engineered their own barn using LEGOs to see how many farm animals fit in their barn. Students worked together in small groups to build. They had to draw their barn, extending the lesson.


1st grade making homemade butter.