ASB Elections

asb president candidates

Greta mitchell

Hey Cardinals! My name is Greta Mitchell and I will be a senior at SCHS next year. If you don’t know me, I used to be a dedicated and talented Fortnite mobile player, but due to the fact that it no longer exists, I have had to push myself to discover new passions. I now spend most of my time playing club volleyball, exercising, and being an involved student at SCHS. In the past year, I have done things like help create my classes’ float, design the image of the cardinal coin, plan dances, be a link leader, and attend a variety of leadership workshops to help me grow as an individual and team member.

I am currently a co-president of the junior class and am looking forward to taking my leadership skills to the next level. Although I have only been in ASB for one year, I have risen to the challenge of finding my confidence and my voice as a leader and student on campus. I am beyond excited for the future of Santa Cruz High School. Our school spirit is on the rise, our athletics are dominating, and our campus is filled with students yet again.

I believe that I would be an amazing ASB President because, with my strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and positive mindset, I can help SCHS become an even more exceptional place. As ASB President, I want to increase spirit within the student body by creating events that bring us together as a whole. I will value student feedback and work hard to ensure we are never settling but always striving to be something greater.

Keep it simple. Keep it cardinal. Vote for Mitchell.

eva wellise

Hey Cardinals! I’m Eva Wellise and I am going to be a Senior in the upcoming school year. I am a member of Women's Honor Society, Interact Club, and the Embrace Relief Club at Santa Cruz High. I also love helping the community as a Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter Volunteer.

I have been part of ASB since I was a freshman and serve as Vice President this school year. During the past 3 years, I have gained valuable leadership skills such as organization, communication, active listening, and the ability to maintain an enthusiastic and positive attitude under stress. I was able to apply these skills to many events, such as my personal favorite, Winter Formal. I have also had the opportunity to attend a leadership training in which I took many of these skills to the next level.

As ASB president I would like to increase school spirit and ensure everyone at our school feels heard. One way I can do this is by prioritizing student input and feedback. I understand the importance of communication with the student body in order to create a more enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone. I am passionate about Santa Cruz High and committed to leading with integrity.

I am looking forward to my 4th year as part of Santa Cruz High’s ASB. I hope to take my experience and role a step further and would appreciate your vote. Thank you and Keep it Cardinal!

asb vice president candidates

lucy clow

This past year, I joined ASB, allowing me to further my leadership skills in countless ways. I have learned how to positively influence the student body, while creating smiles and connections among our campus. I have been provided with the opportunity to collaborate with my peers in order to shape the campus into a more welcoming environment. My name is Lucy Clow, and you should vote for me as your Associative Student Body Vice President.

Besides my passion for ASB, I do swim team and volleyball. I love going to the beach and spending time with friends and family.

I am currently co-president of the junior class, and I am ready to advance my leadership position to a greater extent. In this position, I have assembled the homecoming float, planned the senior trip for next year, and taken charge of many events regarding the Junior class.

As ASB Vice President, I want to continue these towering levels of spirit, while also increasing our participation rates, in order to create a more enthusiastic, and fun experience for all students. I want to leave a positive impression on each and every student here on campus by acknowledging individuals for their accomplishments. I am running for ASB Vice President for the 2022-2023 school year so that I can continue creating smiles and connections on campus, and have a greater role in the program to do so. Most importantly, I want to make next year fun, while leaving a positive impact on Santa Cruz high school.

Everybody will agree that YOU should vote Lucy for VP!

jordan rodriguez

My name is Jordan Rodriguez and I'm running for ASB vice president. I'm doing this because ASB to me is more than just a class at SCHS. It's a safe space where all students can go to make smiles and connections. Before I go any further let me tell you a little about me. I play water polo here at SCHS and I also play for Norcal Aquatics. Some of my hobbies are playing video games and watching football. I’m a season 2 veteran in fortnite and also hit prestige 1 in cold war. Why do I think I'm qualified for this position? I know I'm qualified for this position because of my enthusiasm, work ethic, and commitment. If you vote for me as ASB vice president you will not be disappoint. I will work my hardest to make sure your voice is heard when we make decisions that will affect the students of SCHS. Thank you for taking your time to read this cardinals. If you vote for me cardinals, happy days are upon us!

asb secretary candidates

daisy manako

My name is Daisy Manako and I am a sophomore here at Santa Cruz High School, running for the position of ASB Secretary for the 2022 to 2023 school year!

Although I am only a sophomore at Santa Cruz High, I feel as though I have used my time here to become quite involved in the school. I play indoor and beach volleyball for Santa Cruz High. I am also a present member of ASB and the current Sophomore Class President. I plan on continuing my high school career as an ASB member and I am excited for the opportunities that being ASB Secretary can create.

Being a part of ASB has been a very positive experience for me, allowing me to better myself as a person and a student. During just this school year alone, I have been involved in the planning of many fun school related events such as homecoming, winter formal, and club rush. I have also led school wide tours and helped organize the building of our sophomore class homecoming float.

I am running for ASB Secretary to become more involved in Santa Cruz High and to make your high school experience as enjoyable as possible! I want to use my position in office to help create even more fun events and efficiently organize the planning of school functions.

If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.

junior class president candidates

liv biehl

My name is Liv Biehl and I am running for junior class president. I want to be class president because I care deeply about Santa Cruz High and I am filled with ideas and possibilities to make our school, campus, lunch and extra-curricular experiences better. I want to support and represent my classmates and fight for their interests.

In the past few months in ASB, I have found my voice as a leader. I am passionate, hardworking and I take school, friendship and commitments to teams seriously. Before I came to Santa Cruz, I was a devoted ballet dancer and spent 2.5-4 hours a day after school and on weekends in the ballet studio. It was tough, but I knew the practice and hard work was needed if I wanted to perform well on stage in front of thousands of people. I hurt my knee during the pandemic and had to stop dancing, but I now apply the same rigor I brought to ballet to everything I do.

When I came to Santa Cruz in August, I didn’t know how to play volleyball. Today, I’m on two teams and am competitive with junior varsity players who have played for years. That’s because I practice a lot. Every day. I would bring that same dedication to a leadership role. I’d work at it every day until I got it right.

I’m not just a hard worker. I’m also compassionate. I’m a people person. I love to smile and laugh, but also to listen to and help others. I just moved to Santa Cruz from Buffalo, New York in August and wish I had known about ASB when I first arrived. ASB has offered me incredible opportunities to expand as a person and as a leader and to discover my own strengths. I have learned how to manage my time and to project my voice when speaking in public. ASB has also given me the opportunity to volunteer at organizations and help the community. I loved volunteering at the “She is Beautiful” race and felt inspired helping encourage the rummers.

I want to continue to grow as a leader and being class president is a great next step. I think it would teach me so much about implementing ideas and working with people. It would also prepare me to take on bigger challenges in the future, both at Santa Cruz High and beyond. I love the feeling of taking action and initiating change. I hope I get a chance to prove what I can do.

sofia bottini

Hello, cardinals, my name is Lucy Harding, I’m currently a Sophomore at Santa Cruz High School and running for Junior Class President for the 2022 to 2023 school year.

I am currently a part of ASB, track, Women's Honor Society, and Coalition for Environmental Justice. Being a part of clubs, leadership, and track has taught me how to be a good leader and has improved my time management. Next year I plan on being more active by joining and participating in more clubs. Being more involved at SCHS has helped me achieve academically and socially. In my free time, I like to hang out with my friends and go to the beach.

If I am elected Junior class president, I want to make junior year the best it can be by creating an environment where everyone can academically and socially achieve. I want my peers to give me input on what they specifically want for stuff we can do as a whole such as Prom, spirit days, rallies, and the homecoming float. I want to be able to bring more attention to what will be going on for the Junior class next year so everyone can feel involved. I believe I am fit for this position because I am open-minded, committed, and determined to make next year the best it can be. Becoming Junior class president will allow me to help my fellow peers create a school environment they love.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at It’s not hard to vote Harding.

lucy harding

Hello, cardinals, my name is Lucy Harding, I’m currently a Sophomore at Santa Cruz High School and running for Junior Class President for the 2022 to 2023 school year.

I am currently a part of ASB, track, Women's Honor Society, and Coalition for Environmental Justice. Being a part of clubs, leadership, and track has taught me how to be a good leader and has improved my time management. Next year I plan on being more active by joining and participating in more clubs. Being more involved at SCHS has helped me achieve academically and socially. In my free time, I like to hang out with my friends and go to the beach.

If I am elected Junior class president, I want to make junior year the best it can be by creating an environment where everyone can academically and socially achieve. I want my peers to give me input on what they specifically want for stuff we can do as a whole such as Prom, spirit days, rallies, and the homecoming float. I want to be able to bring more attention to what will be going on for the Junior class next year so everyone can feel involved. I believe I am fit for this position because I am open-minded, committed, and determined to make next year the best it can be. Becoming Junior class president will allow me to help my fellow peers create a school environment they love.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at It’s not hard to vote Harding.

valeria reyes

"Hiiii, I'm Valeria and I'm going to be a junior next school year! I'm excited to be running for junior vice-president. I'm running for VP because I want to represent a diverse group of people and bring them together, have fun and enjoyable school activities, and in general make school somewhere people want to be. I want to bring change that the students want, I understand the bathrooms, our lunches, and many other things are constant issues for us. I love to bake, do sideline cheer, go to the beach, and represent this school. I want to be a person you can count on and come to me if you ever need a friend:) Go cardinals!"