IHS Online Learning Info

What is itsLearning?

itsLearning is a complete service Learning Management System (LMS). While it's similar in some ways to Google Classroom, Schoology, and other LMS, the design and setup provides a great deal of information to students, teachers, and parents - see full learning plans, see what you've done (or haven't done, how much time you've spent on each resource and assignment, etc.).

itsLearning also allows for individualized learning paths for students - teachers can customize these based on student performance, providing instruction, remediation, and enrichment for students no matter where they are on the learning curve.

How do I log into itsLearning?

Who do I ask for help if I'm having a problem with itsLearning or other online course tools?

  • The first person to always ask for assistance is the teacher of the class you are having technical problems in. Many of these issues are quickly and easily solved.

  • If the teacher can't figure it out, they will refer your questions to the Learning Commons staff. Ms. Simshauser and Mr. Marks will troubleshoot with you to solve the problem, and elevate it should they not be able to find a solution for you.