Parent/Adult Student Information

School Site Council (SSC) and English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Mental Health Programs and Counseling for Opportunity Youth Academy Students and Families

Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24X7 concierge line meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services. The concierge process is completely free. They partner with all insurance (even Kaiser) and those who are uninsured as well. Their goal is to break down barriers so that everyone can access mental health resources easily and efficiently should anyone need or want them. 


Here is a short video of an explainer on how this new tool works:


To access services for yourself or family, the Santa Clara County Office of Education link is:

Additionally, their support team can be reached at and their care concierge phone line is 888-515-0595. 

SJ Library FFN Program Flyer_2022-23 SPA.pdf
SJ Library ENG_FFN Program flyer 2022-2023.pdf