Group 4

Student March for Climate Change

By Lydia

On March 15, 125 countries had students skipping school. The reason? Climate change.

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Salt Intake

By Jordan

Have you ever thought about what you are eating? You may not realize what is going into your body when you eat. Salt is in almost everything.

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Beach Trash

By Giana

There are millions and millions of pieces of garbage on islands beaches, oceans, and streets. Read More

50 Mummies Found in Egypt

By Ben

Egyptian archaeologists have found a tomb that was containing 50 mummies that are from the Ptolemaic era (323- 330 BC, about the time of Ancient Egypt).

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Stephen Clark Shooting

By Hayden

The people of Sacramento and around the world are upset about the death of Stephen Clark. People took to the streets and protested that the police should be arrested for his murder.

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Plight of the Pangolins

By Taya

On February 7 authorities in Malaysia made the biggest Pangolins trafficking bust their country has ever seen.

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USC Registration Scandal

By Brett

Parents helped their kids get into college by hiring people to correct incorrect answers on standardized tests and having people take admission tests for their kids.

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The Indian Festival of Holi

By Kiah

What is a really fun way to celebrate the coming of spring? By covering you and your friends with colored powder of course!

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World's Largest Bee Rediscovered

By Abby

Can you imagine seeing a bee with a wingspan of two and a half inches? About the length of your thumb, 4 times bigger than the average honey bee.

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High School ESports

By Parker

8 states across the U.S have approved Esports as a legitimate high school sport. Esports is professional gaming with tournaments and other things like cash prizes and charity events.

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Venezuela's Deadly Blackout

By Emmie

On Thursday, March 8th, Venezuela, experienced a very deadly blackout, leaving Venezuelans with no electricity, and no water.

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Ocean Plastic Strikes Again

By Aaron

Ocean plastic has been a problem for a while now and just resentaly a dead whale was found with 88 pounds of plastic in its stomach.

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By Logan

The word robot comes from the Czech word robota. The word robata means forced labor intensive work. Now the word robot means a man made machine that does simple repetitive tasks.

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The Evolution of Nintendo

By Hailey

Nintendo is a gaming company. Nintendo did not always sell games, but sold Japanese playing cards, and had successes, along with failures over the 130-year history.

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Boeing 737 Crash

By Jackson

This year two Boeing 737 Max planes have crashed due to pilot interference.

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Flooding in Southern Africa

By Ella

On March 14th, a tropical cyclone hit Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe and even a small part of Madagascar. The name of the cyclone was Idai, and could have had massive flood waters nearly 20 feet deep.

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Jonas Brothers Reunion

By Maddie

Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas are getting their family band back together after a 6 year breakup.

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Mayan Artifacts Unearthed

By Jeffrey

An archaeologist discovered a trove that held around 200 Mayan artifacts. In 2018, archaeologist Guillermo de Anda unsealed the cave.

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Conor McGregor Returns

By Micheal

Conor McGregor is a retired mixed martial arts and professional UFC fighter. Now he has returned and wants his title of the UFC champ back.

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