Group 1

Ice Volcano Erupts on Dwarf Planet

By: Brooklynn

Did you know that there is a dwarf planet out there that has a volcano that has erupted ice? Yes, ice! The volcanoes on Earth erupt magma, then turns into lava, but not in this case for the Dwarf planet Ceres. Read More

Do It for Connor at SCC MS

By: Cooper

Do it for Connor was a event at St. Croix Central MS where you could buy duct tape to tape the principals to the wall, and raise money for cancer research! Read More

Underwater Museum

By: Lilyana

Did you know that there is a underwater museum in Mexico where you get to put on some scuba gear and go underwater? You can look at ships and boats from the early 1800s and you also get to look at other artifacts underwater. Read More

Virtual Reality Water Slide

By: Abby

The first virtual reality water slide is open! It is located at Europe’s biggest water park, the Galaxy Erding in South Germany. Read More

Why Are People On Their Phones So Much?

By: Dylan

The average American adult spent approximately 2 hours and 51 minutes on our smartphone every single day in 2017. Tally up the hours we spend on social media apps over a lifetime and it comes to a whopping 5 years and 4 months. Read More

Brett Kavanaugh Joins the Supreme Court

By: Maverick

The Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh, 53, to the Supreme Court on Saturday October 8th, where he could easily serve for more than two decades and change how the nation's laws are made. Read More

Hurricane Michael

By: Lauren

Hurricane Michael was a deadly hurricane that made landfall Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 in Panama City, Florida. The hurricane had sustained winds at 50 miles per hour and was moving northeast at 23 miles per hour. Read More

3D Printing Houses

By: Gavin

3D printing has been around a for a while now, but scientists have now started trying to use it to build homes! Read More

Why Pandas Are Going Extinct

By: Neveah

"By far, the greatest threat facing wild pandas, and the biggest reason they are critically endangered today, is deforestation on the part of humans, which has led to permanent habitat loss in some areas." Read More

Vegetarian Sharks

By: Garrett

Scientist have discovered a vegetarian shark! Most sharks are carnivores and these sharks are too, but have a diet of sea grass and other ocean vegetation. Read More

Pep Fest Thoughts

By: Jamison

These games helped build friendship and teamwork skills for the students that were a part of the games. Read More

How to Prepare for a Hurricane

By: Steven

Being ready for a hurricane is very important. Here are some ways to stay safe. Read More