Alkali Metal Phenomena

Phenomena Background  

Notice that the alkali metal atoms (column 1, except hydrogen) are the largest atoms in their row. 

Background Knowledge from Last Unit:

The alkali metals are in column 1 of the periodic table (except hydrogen). They are:

The atoms before them on the periodic table cannot accept more electrons, so the alkali metals all have one valence electron (outside electron) and therefore are the largest atom in their row.

Alkali Metal Phenomena (New / Better) .mp4

Phenomena Introduction 


SOFT METALS: All of the metals are soft (can be cut with a knife) but they get softer as you go down the column (lithium is the hardest, cesium is the softest) 

COATING:  All of the metals have a coating on the outside.  In the same way that iron rusts (combines with oxygen), these metals also combine with oxgyen but their "rust" are different colors.  For example: 

This is why all of the metals are stored in oil.  Its also the same reason that oil prevents a bike chain from rusting.  The oil slows the ability of oxgyen to get to the metals surface



The reaction with water is more energetic as you go down the column.