
Shengqi Dong, Grade 10

About the poem

"Caesar Mortuus Est" is a poem that takes place in the city of Rome, Italy, and explores the aftermath of the assassination of Julius Caesar. The poem captures the emotions of the people of Rome and their grief at the loss of their beloved leader. The poem develops the character of Julius Caesar as a great and victorious commander, but also a man who lived ambitiously, creating envy among his fellow citizens. The poem also features the character development of Brutus, who is depicted as Caesar's friend and accomplice in the assassination. The poem explores the tension and dissent between the Senate and the people of Rome, and how this event divided the Republic and led to a civil war. also touches on the theme of geography, as the poem takes place in Rome, the capital city of Italy and the heart of the Roman Empire. The poem describes the events that occurred in the city, such as the assassination of Julius Caesar in the Roman Forum and the subsequent civil war that ensued. The poem also portrays the impact of these events on the people of Rome and Italy, highlighting their grief, fear, and continued struggle for power and control. Thus, the geography of Rome and Italy plays a significant role in shaping the narrative and emotions of the poem.

Caesar Mortuus Est

English Translation

Caesar is Dead translated by the author

1. Treacherous murder! In the city of Rome,

2. Julius Caesar fell under the sword;

3. For many years the people lamented,

4. Often grieving for the cause of his death.

5. Caesar was brave and renowned,

6. A great and victorious commander;

7. But he lived ambitiously,

8. Creating envy among his fellow citizens.

9. Brutus, his friend, and accomplice,

10. Assisted in this crime;

11. Others, too, who opposed Caesar,

12. Conspired and held weapons.

13. Caesar came to the Senate on that day,

14. But was immediately pierced by a weapon;

15. Blood was spilled in the forum,

16. His death left the world lifeless and mournful.

17. Thus began a civil war,

18. The Senate and people in dissent;

19. Octavian and Antony,

20. With others, fighting in a ferocious battle.

21. Thus the Republic was divided,

22. With mourning and fear in Rome and Italy;

23. The great Caesar is dead,

24. And the Roman people continue the fight.

Student Name: Hila Savir

Title of Piece: Flammae Aureae

Category: Poetry

Word Count: 77 

About the poem:

My poem is about the beautiful yet dangerous love story of two major historical figures, Mark Antony and Cleopatra. I chose to write about their story because of its importance within the geographical places of the Roman Empire. In my writing, I included a line from Shakespeare's play, The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra, which speaks about Antony’s never ending love for Cleopatra. I also tried to include Latin poetic devices within the lines of my poem to create imagery for the reader and to truly accentuate Antony and Cleopatra’s love for each other.



I am in 9th grade level one Latin at Scarsdale High School, New York. I’m passionate about both Latin and Roman history. 

Eric Liu

Magnus Nilus 


Word Count 57


This poem briefly describes the Nile river, and its impact on the lives of those who depend on it. The Poem also delves into the history of the Nile, especially how the Romans were always fascinated by it and tried for many years to find the source of the Nile.

Latin Poem

English Translation

Student Bio

I am a tenth-grade student who has been studying Latin for two years. I was originally drawn to the language because of its history- Latin is the origin of the five romance languages, and also has a real connection to normal english. 

Student Name: Evan Lee 

Title of Piece: Ars Vivendi (The Art of Living)

Category: Poetry

Word Count: 68

Student Bio:

I am a sophomore (Grade 10) attending Scarsdale High school. I am taking my second year of Latin and am captivated by Roman culture and history, along with the intricacies of the Latin language.  

Title of Work: “Amor Eternum” (Eternal Love)

About the Literary Work: This poem features a monologue given by Faustus, a middle-aged Roman man whose girlfriend had recently left him to pursue a career in Spain. The poem is divided into two sections. The first half focuses on remorse and the concept of “eternal love”. The second half portrays Faustus coping with his emotions, guided by the phrase “Carpe diem”, or to seize the day.  

Latin Story:

English Translation

The Fall of Brutus


This story is a fantastical retelling of the Battle of Dyrrhachium from the perspective of a fictional soldier named Gaijus Julius Brutus.The goal of the story is to inform the audience of real events during this historical civil war. The story covers the events leading up to the battle as well as the battle itself through a comedic and surrealist lens to make the story entertaining. 


I am Lucas Heidbreder, a 10th grader currently taking Latin 2 at Scarsdale High School. Due to my love for Latin I have actively pursued the study of the language outside of school through conventions and programs from the Paideia Institute, Calder Classics, and individual translations. I can safely say that I have become a happier person because of the people I’ve met and the experiences I have gained due to Latin and I’m super excited about this story. 

Latin story:

English translation:

Student Name: Caitlin Higgins

Title of Piece: Amor in Aqua (Love in Water)

Category: Poetry

Word Count: 57

About the Poem:

This piece starts out on a warm, fresh spring night when a couple is starting their journey to Greece via the Adriatic Sea. Yet, there is tragedy, and the g-ds have a different fate for the lovers. This poem seeks to connect the tragedy of life with a comforting theme of love. Love transcends the physical realm. Even when life seems bleak, it is crucial to know that the people one surrounds themself with can be their greatest support and that relationships are not limited to just one’s time on Earth.



Student Bio:

I am a junior (11th Grade) in Scarsdale High School. This is my second year taking Latin; I am passionate about languages and I truly enjoy learning the Latin language and diving into the culture of the ancient world.