Scarsdale High School Auditorium Project

Enhanced. Modern. Safe. Accessible.

Bond Vote:   May 16, 2023   7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Scarsdale Middle School Gymnasium

Renovations and Improvements to an Essential Space

This project will foster an enhanced, modern student learning experience; a vastly-improved audience experience flexibly matched to the use of the space; and essential improvements to safety and access

Every Scarsdale student utilizes this space during their educational journey, and some of the most formative and memorable learning experiences take place in this space including concerts, plays, musicals, speeches, assemblies, and lectures. 

Community members and alumni also use this space for special events, presentations, and lectures. 

Despite its importance to the school community, the space has not had significant renovations or improvements in nearly fifty years.  

All in all, the transformation of the High School Auditorium will be accomplished at a total cost not to exceed $4.75 million, and bonding the project spreads the cost over time to better align with the useful life of the improvements to the space. Community members can expect to pay less than $28/year for the average assessed property. 

Overview of Improvements

Many of the materials from the 1980s renovation have reached the end of their useful life despite meticulous maintenance and upkeep. These include:

Safety and accessibility concerns limit student and staff use of the space, including:

Acoustically, the space is wholly unviable. Someone seated in just the eighth row will be unable to hear a person who is unamplified.

Improvements will include:

Hear from our Students and Faculty!

Don't just take our word for it! In this video, many of the core users of the space share the limitations and risks of the current auditorium. 

The public will have an opportunity to vote on the bond alongside the School Budget and Board Elections.

May 16, 2023

7 a.m.  to 9 p.m.

Scarsdale Middle School Gymnasium