K-C   2022-2023  Greenacres School

Nurturing a Sense of Wonder

 “Children grow into the intellectual life of those around them.”

-Lev Vygotsky

There is no school-year beginning like the  beginning of kindergarten and this year more so than ever. 

Your child’s education is a partnership between home and school. Working together, we will bring to life all the wonder and joy that is experiential learning in kindergarten.

In every other grade, teachers welcome their students back to the world of school, whereas in kindergarten we welcome children into the world of school. For many children, the first day of kindergarten may be their first day of school ever. The routines that we set in place now will set the tone for our exciting new adventure.

For this reason, it is so important that our classroom environment be as inviting as possible and that our classroom tone is comforting. Right from the start, we strive to make sure all children feel like they belong— to create a space where everyone will feel welcomed and loved and where everyone will think and learn.


About Me
Mónica Amarís Callenbach

My educational philosophy is based on a child-centered approach, where children make meaning from experience and from active engagement in an integrated curriculum that allows for diverse learning styles. I have a strong affinity for the young child, especially the development of their social, emotional and intellectual stages of growth. My passion for children’s literature and fine arts background informs my teaching by way of designing creative and stimulating interdisciplinary projects and activities.

Education needs to instill a love of learning and the confidence to adapt and grow. I believe that school should foster a love of learning and inquiry, a thirst to discover and uncover, a sense of fun and creativity. Young students are curious and thrive in classrooms where learning is delivered in ways that connect with the ways they think, learn and create.

I aspire to cultivate the habits of mind that enable students to face all kinds of difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively. Students who are more confident of their own learning ability learn faster and learn better. They also do better in their academic pursuits.

To thrive in the 21st century, it is not enough to leave school with high test scores. Students need to learn how to be tenacious and resourceful, imaginative and logical, self-disciplined and self-aware, collaborative and inquisitive. What we need are creative thinkers and problem-solvers.

  “To maintain the state of doubt and to carry on systematic and protracted inquiry — these are the essentials of thinking.”
– John Dewey

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