Google Sites
Google Sites
Google Sites is an eHomeroom that extends the sense of community from the physical spaces to our virtual and hybrid, world.
Google Sites is an eHomeroom that extends the sense of community from the physical spaces to our virtual and hybrid, world.
Sites host grade-level curriculum, assignments, and resources as well as individual teacher class pages.
Sites host grade-level curriculum, assignments, and resources as well as individual teacher class pages.
Think of these Sites as the grade-level hallway or wing of an elementary school. These are the virtual companion to the common physical spaces we are all so accustomed too.
Think of these Sites as the grade-level hallway or wing of an elementary school. These are the virtual companion to the common physical spaces we are all so accustomed too.
Creating a sense of community across a grade while still keeping classrooms unique and independent, all the while giving students, parents, and colleagues easy access to all the information everyone needs.
Creating a sense of community across a grade while still keeping classrooms unique and independent, all the while giving students, parents, and colleagues easy access to all the information everyone needs.