
Assimilation/Harmony happens when children replace one consonant in a word with a consonant that appears somewhere else in that same word

Reduplication/Consonant Harmony: It is the reduplication of the syllable,  while maintaining consonant harmony. 

‘bottle’ /batəl/ -> [baba]    

'dog' /dɒg/ -> [gɒg]   

2. Nasal Harmony: A phenomenon in some languages where sounds produced in the nose affect the pronunciation of other sounds in the same word.

‘lamb’ /​​læm/ -> [næm]

'ten' /tɛn/ -> [nɛn]

3. Vowel Harmony: Vowels come to share certain features with contrastive vowels elsewhere in a word or phrase.

‘little’ /lɪtəl/-> [lɪdɪw]