Our SEL Team

Get to know our core team as we discuss our experiences related to SEL and why we believe it is important.


Scott Feder


Dr. Evelyn Mamman

Asst. Superintendent of Cirriculum & Instruction

Raphael Morales

Director of Student Services

Blair Eiseman

Director of Professional Development

SEL Team Leaders

Dr. Brian Eichert, Psy.D.

Behavior Specialist

"My experience with SEL started when I was a pre-doctoral graduate student at Rutgers, where I worked as an SEL Facilitator and then Project Lead in the Rutgers Social-Emotional and Character Development lab led by Dr. Maurice Elias. I believe SEL is important because it is the gateway to effective education. Research shows us that effective learning occurs through an emotional experience. Therefore, students need to be able to understand how to regulate their emotions and navigate social situations effectively in order to be able to fully access their academic learning. Additionally, SEL is the foundation to help students prepare for the ever-evolving world outside of the school setting."

Michele SantaMaria, Ed.M.

Supervisor of Special Education 

"My experience w/SEL began in 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Maurice Elias. Together with a team of colleagues & RU graduate students, I created, implemented & supervised an SEL curriculum. I collected feedback & data from students/staff & continued to monitor & adjust the curriculum & positive school climate change. Through the SEL curriculum & on behalf of the school, I accepted the award for a Promising SEL Practice in 2016, a School of Character Award & a National School of Character Award in 2017. In 2019, I joined the SBSD's SEL team and in 2020 I began RU's advanced SEL certification program. I believe SEL is important because it provides individuals with the prerequisite skills for success in all areas of life. It teaches us how to manage our emotions in order to feel empathy for others & make sound, responsible decisions throughout our lives."

Amy Finkelstein, LCSW

Supervisor of Student Assistance and Wellness

"I have been increasing my knowledge of SEL practices for the past 2 years, as one of the members of the district's core SEL team. I have been learning about how to embed the core competencies in all aspects of curriculum, how to provide SEL supports to our students with special needs, and working with our district's nurses and counselors to incorporate SEL practices in their lessons and daily activities."

"I believe all students and staff would benefit from improving skills that will help them to be better problem-solvers and communicators. Whatever path our students choose to follow, they should leave our district knowing how to empathize with others, understand opposing points of view, and manage their own emotions."

Michael Dugan

School Counselor

"I taught Social-Emotional Learning in the Bronx before starting in South Brunswick. While teaching the 5 SEL competencies, I observed greater results from the students exposed to SEL in comparison to students who were not." 

"Social-Emotional Learning is important because it reinforces skills students will utilize their entire lives. Implementing these competencies will greatly benefit and heighten students' understanding of themselves and the world around them. Incorporating SEL  school wide will better counseling experiences for students. Reinforcing SEL through counseling will ameliorate students academics and social experiences."

SEL Team

Sondra Hinson - Asst. Principal, Crossroads South Middle School

"I have been a member of the District SEL committee for the past several years. The implementation of the  SEL initiatives have made a positive and transformational impact on our school environment. As a result,  students develop essential life skills that foster a more inclusive and compassionate school community."

Laura Cervino - Asst. Principal, Brunswick Acres

John Harding - Supervisor of Health and Physical Education K-12

"My experience with SEL is in teaching Health and Physical Education as well as teaching and being a former coordinator of the Peer Leadership Program at SBHS. SEL is important because it is a critical component of educating today's youth and helps provide them with essential life skills."

Jack Medina - Supervisor of ELA and SS, Crossroads Middle Schools

"My SEL experiences come from my teaching, advising, and coaching background.  Overall, the middle school philosophy centers on social and emotional growth by placing students within unit communities where they authentically engage with their peers and teachers. Because we operate in an uncertain world that is difficult to navigate, it's essential for kids to develop the requisite skills to become empathetic, compassionate, and collaborative citizens."

Dr. Rebecca Hye - Behavior Specialist 6-12

"As a school psychologist for the first 13 years of my career, and now as a behavior specialist, I am constantly working with students to help develop their SEL skills, most commonly in a one-on-one counseling environment. Many of the students I work with struggle with some skill deficit related to SEL so infusing SEL into our curriculum, not just as a specific lesson, but across all content areas and with real-life modeling is crucial to help students develop and continuously reinforce the SEL skills they need to be good students and caring individuals."

Leah Carson - Instructional Support Teacher, Greenbrook

Lisa Manganello - Library Media Specialist, South Brunswick HS

"As a school librarian, I make reading recommendations, book purchases, and plan library programs that support the social emotional learning of my students.  My partner librarian, Kate Hanusosky and I work hard to make the SBHS Library a safe space by offering mirrors, windows, and doors for all students through literature and learning.  Through community programs like South Brunswick Reads, our Multiple Perspectives Book Club, and other reading initiatives, we build an environment of inclusion and kindness that benefits all."

Jacqueline Turner - Student Assistance Counselor, Brunswick Acres

"SEL has been an integral focus of my work throughout my entire career as a counselor in SB and prior to that as a school psychologist working with special needs students.  I’ve used multiple SEL programs (I Can Problem Solve, Skillstreaming, Second Step, Responsive Classroom), co-created district SEL counseling curriculum lessons and activities with fellow SACs, and I'm continually learning more on this topic. I think SEL lays the foundation for a successful life across multiple realms, including academic, career, interpersonal functioning and both physical and mental well-being."

Kelsey Miniger - School Psychologist, Crossroads South

"My experience with SEL began through research and mini passion projects when I was an undergrad at the University of Delaware studying psychology and public policy. This interest continued through my time in graduate school at Lehigh University, where my school psych practicum and internship site implemented an SEL curriculum throughout their district. I love incorporating SEL strategies through my counseling sessions and everyday interactions with students and families. I believe SEL is important because it empowers our youth to truly understand how they should aim to interact with others and feel about themselves and in an ever-changing world."

Alice Priano - School Counselor, Brooks Crossing

Joseph Scaletti - Board of Education Member 

For inquires & collaboration, please reach out to our District's SEL Committee
