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Articles About Math Education

Fluency Without Fear by Jo Boaler

Talking Math With Your Kids by Kent Haines

Why Kids Should Use Their Fingers in Math by Jo Boaler and Lang Chen, The Atlantic

Memorizers are the Lowest Achievers and other Common Core Math Surprises [PDF] by Jo Boaler, Stanford University

Why Spatial Reasoning is Crucial for Early Math Education by Katrina Schwartz

Five Ways to Help Your Kid Not Stink at Math [PDF] by Elizabeth Green, New York Times

A Worksheet for Math-Phobic Parents by Sue Shellenbarger, Wall Street Journal

Don't Just Read to Your Kids at Night, Do Math with Them, Too by Laura Overdeck

Let the Children Play by Christopher Danielson

Blogs & Sites 

Talking Math With Your Kids is a great blog that is "dedicated to helping parents support their children’s mathematical development. We know we need to read with our children every day, but what should we do for math? Answer: Talk about math with them as we and they encounter numbers and shapes in our everyday lives."

Graham Fletcher's Progression Videos were created to help grown-ups understand the progression of several big mathematical ideas across the K-5 grade levels.

Bedtime Math is a non-profit website whose aim is to make math part of the family routine. More information about the organization here.

Games for Young Minds is a site that shares board games, puzzles, and other mathematical activities that families can engage in.

YouCubed for Parents is a blog run by YouCubed, a nonprofit affiliated with Stanford University that provides K-12 maths resources for educators and parents.

Math Pickle is a website with loads of great problems. The page linked here goes to information about board games that encourage mathematical thinking, but you might find lots of other ideas on the rest of the site as well.

Women Do Math is a part of the NSF-funded WATCH US initiative to promote women’s participation in the mathematical sciences.