Our Vote

What You Need to Know

The Shrewsbury Borough School is asking residents to vote in a bond referendum on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022. Voter approval would provide funding for facilities upgrades plus an addition that captures the community’s vision for the future of our schools.

Voting is simple: residents who are registered in Shrewsbury Borough can either vote in person or by mail.

Am I registered to vote? How do I register?

Regardless of how you want to cast your ballot, an up-to-date voter registration is required to vote in the Shrewsbury Borough School bond referendum. Voters must be registered by Sept. 15, 2022 to be eligible to vote.

  • To register with a printed form, print and mail a paper registration form, offered in English and Spanish, to Mary DeSarno, Monmouth County Superintendent of Elections, 300 Halls Mill Road, Freehold, NJ 07728.

How and where can I vote in-person?

Voting is as easy as 1-2-3...

  1. Ensure that you are registered to vote by Sept. 15.

  1. Identify your polling station using your home address. Polls will be open from 6 am to 8 pm at the Fire House and Borough Hall.

  2. Show up at your polling station and cast your vote! If you are told that your ballot was already mailed to you, simply ask for a provisional ballot. This allows election officials to count your ballot after double checking your eligibility.

How can I vote by mail?

  1. Check your Vote By Mail status by contacting the Office of the Monmouth County Clerk at 732-431-7324 or CountyClerk@co.monmouth.nj.us. Any New Jerseyans who voted by mail in a prior election may have opted to automatically receive a Vote By Mail ballot for future elections, but double checking with the County Clerk is highly recommended.

  2. Sign up using the Vote By Mail Ballot Application. Print and mail (or hand deliver) the completed application to the County Clerk’s office. To receive a ballot in the mail, your application must arrive at the County Clerk’s office no later than Sept. 29.

  3. Mail your ballot on or before the day of the vote! All mailed ballots must be postmarked by Oct. 6, 2022.

  4. Track your ballot using the state’s voter portal. Setting up an account is free, and while this is an optional step, it is the only way to reliably monitor the status of your ballot online.

Vote By Mail Application (Monmouth County).pdf

Questions? Email referendum@sbs-nj.org

Visit the Plan and Funding pages for more information!