Camp as a Ministry

Camp is woven into the core of who we are as a church family.  It facilitates deep, intergenerational relationships, and it helps us grow closer to God. Campers and volunteers both are blessed as they play, learn, and serve in a beautiful outdoor setting. 

SBRCC Camp Committee

South's Camp Committee is charged with working out the details of camp offerings and providing guidance on decisions regarding future camp options for South's youth.  Current committee members are:

We welcome your suggestions, ideas, and questions in person or via the email address,

Camp Staff Website

A website is available for camp staff at .  Authorization is required to gain access.  


Supporting Camp

We are grateful for your involvement and support! Please pray for potential campers, the teams of volunteers that make camp happen, and the camp committee.  We are so excited to see God work through camp for His glory, bringing people to Him.  

Send a Camper to Camp

If you would like to sponsor a young person to go to camp or provide a scholarship for a teen to attend a week of camp, a fund has been established called SEND A CAMPER TO CAMP.  It is linked within South’s online giving.   This is an awesome way to bless young people with a week of Encountering Jesus and His Community! 

Financial gifts to sponsor campers are tax-deductible.  We will do everything possible to honor specific requests but with no obligation.