Stone Bridge High School PTSO

 Welcome to the Stone Bridge PTSO!  We are happy you are here!

There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. We hope you decide to join the Stone Bridge PTSO. 

The Stone Bridge High School Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (SBHS PTSO) is a 501(3)(c) organization that provides support to the Stone Bridge Administration. The PTSO is comprised of volunteers from the SBHS community, and board members are elected by our members. 


Please join us for the 2024-25 School Year!

Become A Member Here!

2024-25 PTSO Officers & Committee Leads

President: Heather Cuillier

Vice President: Michelle Martin

 Hospitality: Vacant

Treasurer: Julie Frost

Secretary: Roopa Culas

Membership: Jackie Wallenstein

Webmaster: Beth Gloe


LEAF Representative: Vacant

MSAAC Representative: Lawanda Taylor

SEAC Representative: Sam Upson-Smith

Premier Parking Chair: Reena Dewan

Test Prep Chair: Vacant

Project Grad Reps: Vacant

Scholarship Chair: Jen Underwood
