St Bedes Physical Education

Google Meet link

Monday Year 3/4 - 12.15pm with Mr Price

Tuesdays Year 5/6 - During your PE Time with Mr Price

Wednesdays Year 1/2 - 9am or 10am with Mr Price,

Preps - 2.00pm with Mrs Mac

remote 2.0.mp4

Welcome back to remote learning 2.0

Mrs Mac and Mr Price will post units of work, copies of videos for skills and ideas for activities, direct link to the Run around Victoria form (and weekly results) and other information

Contents via links at the top of the page

  • Units of work

  • Videos (instructions from Mr Price)

  • Resources (games ideas etc)

Remember we are aiming for at least 60 minutes of physical activity EVERYDAY that focuses on skills and fitness

Check out the videos and resources pages for activities that you may want to try during the day.

Don't forget to get your family involved in your activity - take a walk, make up an obstacle course, go for a run at the park, take a footy or soccer ball and have a kick, get out your skipping rope and practice some of the skills, ride your bike or just get out in your backyard and throw/hit a ball to a member of your family. It doesn't have to be structured as long as you are outside and enjoying the fresh air.

I'd love to see what you are up to, so please send me a photo or video of you being active or just a short note telling me what you have been up to by posting to Seesaw or our school email

Stay healthy and stay active.

Mr Price and Mrs Mac