Biomedical Enginneering Society - Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award 2017


The Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is the professional society for biomedical engineering and bioengineering. Founded in early 1968, the Society now boasts nearly 6,500 members and is growing, rapidly.

In honor of former BMES Executive Director Rita Schaffer, the Society established the Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award in 2000. The Award is offered each year to stimulate research careers in biomedical engineering. The award is in recognition of high level of originality and ingenuity in a scientific work in biomedical engineering.

Data Limite

May 15, 2017.


The applicant must be within five years of receiving his or her highest degree (five years at the time of application deadline) and must be aBMES Member in good standing. Brazilians can apply.


The award consists of a crystal award, a complimentary registration for the annual meeting, a check for US$1,000.00 and travel expenses up to US$1,000.00.

Forma de Solicitação

Application Requirements:

  1. Application Form;
  2. Nominee’s Curriculum vitae;
  3. Confidential letters of support by two recognized authorities in the field (neither of whom may be associated with the institution at which the work was completed nor a co-author on the paper), attesting to the significance of the investigation described in the manuscript.


The recipient will present twenty-minute Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Lecture, and publish the text of the lecture in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.


Lisa Prandy:

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